Mend SCA Release Notes may modify this page retroactively from time to time.
To stay informed about hotfixes, modifications, and additions to Mend SCA, check this page from time to time in between official releases.
For release notes pertaining to the legacy SCA Core application, please visit this page.
For all the release notes about the Mend Platform, visit this page.
For release notes of all of’s products, visit this page.
Version 25.2.2 (09-March-2025)
New Features and Updates
The finding side-panel and libraries panel have been updated for improved functionality and organization. Enhancements include color-coded severity icons, new action buttons, and better navigation. The panel now supports detailed security overviews, risk factors, and remediation options, ensuring a more efficient user experience.
Exciting Updates in Package Manager Support & Reachability!
Expanded Package Manager Support: is enhancing your scanning capabilities! The Mend CLI now supports additional package managers:
- Bower (JavaScript)
- Poetry (Python)
- Packrat (R)
- SBT (Scala)
- Cocoapods (Swift & Objective C)
The full list of supported package managers is available in the Mend CLI Support Matrix.Reachability Now Supports More Package Managers:’s powerful Reachability Analysis now extends to additional package managers, providing deeper insights into your dependencies:
- JavaScript: Lerna, pnpm
- Python: Conda, Poetry
- C# (NuGet)With these additions, you now have a better coverage for your projects and ability to prioritize vulnerabilities based on actual code execution paths, reducing noise and focusing on the most impactful findings.
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue in the Mend CLI that caused a ‘FileNotFoundException’ error when running Reachability for JavaScript on Windows operating systems.
Version 25.2.1 (24-February-2025)
New Features and Updates
Enhanced the Dependencies Risk Report by incorporating metadata on the first page, showing organization, application, and project names based on the scope. Also introduced a "Last Scan" column in application and project-level risk reports for recent scan dates, refining user insights and report clarity.
Introducing a new boolean field, "isProprietary", indicating whether a library is proprietary, enhancing SBOM reporting accuracy and customization. This feature is integrated into the Mend AppSec Platform and API 3.0, allowing users to tailor reports to their needs. The field is hidden for non-proprietary libraries.
Version 25.1.1 (26-January-2025)
New Features and Updates
The main dashboard in the Mend AppSec Platform now includes a special indicator for the presence of malicious packages in the organization. Various indicators, filters and reports have been added, to streamline the process of detecting and removing malicious packages in your organization using the Mend AppSec Platform.
Version 24.12.2 (12-January-2025)
New Features and Updates
(Open Beta) Reachability for .NET is now available in the Mend CLI and the Mend for integration, supporting applications developed in C# and utilizing the NuGet package manager. This enhancement enables the detection of reachable vulnerabilities within .NET projects, helping to improve security analysis and reduce false positives. now offers fix recommendations for both direct and transitive dependencies in Python projects, available in the Mend AppSec Platform, the Developer Platform and the repo integrations (excluding self-hosted integrations). This enhancement ensures Python projects are secured with the same efficiency and reliability as Java and JavaScript, delivering accurate and rapid vulnerability mitigation.
Version 24.11.2 (15-December-2024)
New Features and Updates
Introducing a new configuration option for remediation strategies, allowing users to choose between Least Vulnerable Package (LVP) or First Fix. The selected strategy will now be reflected across the Mend Platform, Jira integration and Platform API (3.0), ensuring a consistent and tailored remediation experience. This enhancement simplifies decision-making and provides users with more control over their fix recommendations.
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue in the CLI where global exclusions in the NuGet resolution process were not respected in some cases.
Version 24.11.1 (01-December-2024)
New Features and Updates
Enhanced the user experience of the SCA tables in the AppSec Platform.
Introducing the
This new parameter enables scanning of development tools and dependencies - those used during the development phase but usually not included in the final application build.
Supported package managers: npm, Maven, Gradle, Go, Ruby and SBT.
Version 24.10.3 (18-November-2024)
New Features and Updates
Introducing Risk Factors, grouping the Reachability, Exploitability and Maliciousness statuses of your dependencies and providing a Risk Factor icon representation for each of them throughout Mend SCA. The Risk Factors column is filterable, allowing users to prioritize findings and reduce alert fatigue.
(Open Beta) Reachability for Python, introduced in version 24.10.2, now supports the Poetry package manager in the supported repo integrations.
Version 24.10.2 (04-November-2024)
New Features and Updates
(Open Beta) Reachability for Python is now available for both the Mend CLI and the GitHub repo integrations, for both pip and Pipenv.
Note: Reachability for Python in the GitHub Enterprise integration can be enabled on demand, starting from version of the integration.
Version 24.10.1 (20-October-2024)
New Features and Updates
The SBOM Import feature is now generally available, allowing users to upload SBOM files to create new projects in the Mend AppSec Platform or update existing ones.
Version 24.9.2 (13-October-2024)
New Features and Updates
The Unified Agent is now wrapped within the Mend CLI, allowing users to run SCA scans using the Unified Agent via the Mend CLI with the
mend ua
command.To indicate when a library is both a direct dependency and a transitive dependency, a "Direct/Transitive" parameter has been added to the Dependency column in the following tables:
Security -> Dependencies -> Libraries
Security -> Dependencies -> Findings
Compliance -> SBOM -> OOS List
Version 24.8.2 (08-September-2024)
New Features and Updates
Added Package Health information on the Recommended Fix tab of vulnerable packages, providing additional insight into the optimal upgrade path for your vulnerable package.
Added a maintenance status on npm package versions, marking them as Deprecated or Maintained, helping you to decide whether it’s safe to upgrade to those versions or not.
Added vulnerability data to the Dependencies SBOM report in the SPDX standard. Vulnerability data can be excluded from the report by toggling this option off in the ‘Create Report’ wizard.
Version 24.8.1 (25-August-2024)
New Features and Updates
Improved support for Go Workspaces in the Mend CLI.
Added a Package URL (Purl) column to the Dependencies Inventory report.
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue which led to scan failure in the Mend CLI when certain special characters were used in the project name.
Version 24.7.2 (11-August-2024)
New Features and Updates
CycloneDX 1.5 has been added to the list of available SBOM standards in the Dependencies SBOM report.
Resolved Issues
Fixed an issue in SCA Reachability for Java, which under certain conditions led to incorrect identification of reachable/unreachable elements.
Version 24.7.1 (28-July-2024)
New Features and Updates
Added the option to exclude vulnerabilities from Dependencies SBOM reports in the CycloneDX standard, by toggling this option off in the ‘Create Report’ wizard.
Improved the level of flexibility and control over attribution data, by adding a modal interface that allows users to override copyrights for a selected library.
The SCA license coverage has been enhanced with additional licenses and further alignment with SPDX standards
Labels are now supported in the Attribution Report.
Version 24.6.1 (30-June-2024)
New Features and Updates
(Closed Alpha) A new project can now be created by importing a previously generated Dependencies SBOM report file.
Mend SCA now allows users to define libraries as commercial and lists commercial libraries in a separate tab on the Libraries page.
(Closed Beta) Added Package Health information on the Recommended Fix tab of vulnerable packages, providing additional insight into the optimal upgrade path for your vulnerable package.
(Closed Alpha) Added a maintenance status on npm package versions, marking them as Deprecated or Maintained, helping you to decide whether it’s safe to upgrade to those versions or not.
Version 24.5.3 (17-June-2024)
New Features and Updates
The Dependencies SBOM report now supports SPDX 2.3 (in addition to SPDX 2.2 and CycloneDX 1.4).
The Dependencies SBOM report in the CycloneDX standard is now embedded with VEX data.
Version 24.4.1 (21-April-2024)
New Features and Updates
SCA Reachability | Improvements have been made, to reduce memory used in reachability scans and enhance performance. Memory usage has been reduced by approximately 33%.
Version 24.3.2 (8-April-2024)
New Features and Updates - Q1, 2024
Risk Data - CVSS 4, Exploitability, Reachability, Malicious Package
Historical Scans View
Automation Engine Support: Scan Complete Event
Failed Build and Policy Violation Support
Jira Ticket Creation
Etc. (see Platform Section)
On Demand Jira Ticket Creation
Reports: SBOM, Risk, Due diligence, Inventory, Attribution (Read only), Findings