Mend Repository Integrations
With every valid commit, our Mend Repository Integrations encourage your developers to use security best practices with immediate analysis and automated remediations on scan findings; all without ever leaving your source code management (SCM) tool’s platform.
Our repository integrations for the Mend AppSec Platform support the following SCM platforms:
Mend Developer Platform
- Install Mend Developer Platform for Azure DevOps Repos
- Install Mend Developer Platform for Bitbucket Cloud
- Generate a GitHub Token for Release Notes and Golang Updates
- Migration Guide for Mend Developer Platform
- Scan your open source components (SCA) with Mend Developer Platform
- Scan your custom code (SAST) with Mend Developer Platform
- Known Issues and Limitations for Mend Developer Platform
Mend for
- Install Mend for
- Understand Mend for
- Set up a global configuration for Mend for
- Scan your open source components (SCA) with Mend for
- Scan your custom code (SAST) with Mend for
- Scan your infrastructure as code (IaC) with Mend for
- Connect your container images to their source repositories with Mend for Code Source
Mend for GitHub Enterprise
- Install Mend for GitHub Enterprise
- Understand Mend for GitHub Enterprise
- Set up a global configuration for Mend for GitHub Enterprise
- Scan your open source components (SCA) with Mend for GitHub Enterprise
- Scan your custom code (SAST) with Mend for GitHub Enterprise
- Scan your infrastructure as code (IaC) with Mend for GitHub Enterprise
- Connect your container images to their source repositories with Mend for GitHub Enterprise Code Source
- Uninstall Mend for GitHub Enterprise