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The Findings Table


When reviewing an application or project’s dependencies in the Mend AppSec Platform, you will often want to switch to the Findings tab, to see all the detected findings in a table. This is called the Findings Table.


The Findings Table

You can select which columns to display in the table using the Columns menu on the right:


Each finding is displayed in a separate line. Clicking the value in each column will reveal additional information pertaining to that column.
For example:
Clicking the Project value will take you to the Project Summary page of the project containing the relevant finding.
Clicking the finding itself (the CVE) will spawn a side-panel containing additional information about the finding.

The Finding Side-Panel

Clicking the CVE itself will spawn a side-panel on the right, containing 3 tabs: Overview, Remediation, Risk.

The Overview Tab

The Overview tab is the default tab for a finding. It contains robust information about the CVE grouped into the Security Overview, CVE Information, CVSS Score and References collapsible sections.


The Overview tab (all sections collapsed)


The Overview tab - Security Overview and CVE Information


The Overview tab - CVSS Score and References

The Remediation Tab

The Remediation tab contains information about the Recommended Fix, often in the form of an upgrade path for the vulnerable library in question:


The Risk Tab

The Risk tab contains information about Risk factors such as exploitability:

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