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Update a Project using an SBOM Import

Overview enables you to import an SBOM file, to update the inventory of an existing project in the AppSec Platform.

An SBOM report traditionally specifies the libraries, code packages, and other third-party components that are used in your project.

Once imported, licensing and vulnerability data will be associated with your project’s dependencies, like any other project scanned into the application. Projects created via SBOM imports will be regularly monitored for new vulnerabilities and updates, like any other project in the Mend Platform.

What’s Supported? allows you to import SBOM files exported by the following tools:

The supported SBOM standards are CycloneDX (versions 1.4, 1.5) and SPDX (versions 2.2, 2.3).

The supported formats are JSON and XML.


  • Only users with the Organization Admin role can access the organization’s Administration Page, to upload a previously generated SBOM file.

Getting it done

Upload an SBOM File to Update your Project via the Mend Platform UI

To import an SBOM report, you will need an Organization Admin to upload a previously generated SBOM report file to the Mend Platform via the Administration Page. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Navigate to the Administration page using the cogwheel button at the upper-right corner of the UI:


  2. In the Administration page, select Projects and then click the Actions button (image-20240929-151013.png) of the desired project:

  1. Select Update Dependencies:

  2. User Drag and Drop or browse your file system for the desired SBOM file and click OK to upload it.


Note: The SBOM import will override the project’s existing inventory and might change its findings.


  1. Source libraries in SBOM Export files generated by are ignored.

  2. No vulnerability/VEX data in the SBOM file gets imported. Vulnerability information in the newly created/updated project is based on the database.

  3. No licensing data in the SBOM file gets imported. Licensing information in the newly created/updated project is based on the database.

  4. Keywords support limitations:

    • For SPDX, supports the properties below:

    • For CycloneDX, supports the “dependsOn” property.

      "ref": "pkg:maven/", 
      "dependsOn": [ "pkg:maven/" ]
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