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Mend Classic Repository Integrations


Mend Classic Repository Integrations integrate into your source control management platform, scanning your repositories, as part of your account. Main capabilities include:

  • SCA - Detection of all of your open-source components, displaying all vulnerabilities, outdated dependencies, licensing information, and more.

  • SAST - Detection of vulnerabilities in your source code.

  • Automated fix pull requests as well as automated dependency updates (as part of Mend Renovate) with Mend Remediate, for both SCA and SAST.

  • Comprehensive up-to-date reports in the issues tab and the security dashboard of the scanned projects.

  • All without ever leaving your source code management (SCM) tool’s platform.

  • In addition to all the above, you have the option to view the scanned projects in the Mend AppSec Platform as well.

List of Classic Repository Integrations

Mend for (

Mend for GitHub Enterprise (Self-hosted)

Mend for GitLab (Self-hosted)

Mend for Azure Repos (

Mend for Bitbucket Data Center (Self-hosted)

Mend for Bitbucket Cloud (

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