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Analyze your results in the Mend Platform


The process of effective triaging and analyzing security findings plays a pivotal role in enabling your organization to swiftly identify and prioritize potential threats, allowing you to respond promptly and effectively and minimize the impact of security incidents while safeguarding your assets.

A “one-stop-shop” for your SCA, SAST, and IMAGE scan findings, the web-based Mend Platform empowers your AppSec Managers and Security Champions in moderating your Applications' security compliance in one portal.

Use-cases for analyzing your Mend scan results

  • Monitor Application Security: The Mend Platform offers real-time insights into the security status of all applications. Your AppSec Manager and Security Champion can quickly assess which applications have outstanding vulnerabilities and identify potential risks.

  • Follow Trends and Patterns: By analyzing data on vulnerability trends and patterns in the Mend Platform, your AppSec Manager can identify common weaknesses across applications or specific development teams. This information can be used to implement targeted security actions.

  • Prioritize and Communicate Security Risks: With the help of the Mend Platform, your Security Champion can identify high-risk vulnerabilities and prioritize their resolution based on criticality. They can effectively communicate these risks to your development team, highlighting the potential impact and advocating for timely remediation.

  • Drive Security Awareness: By utilizing the Mend Platform, the Security Champion can identify recurring security weaknesses within your team's applications. They can use this information to tailor security awareness initiatives via targeted training sessions for your development team, addressing specific areas of improvement and reinforcing secure coding best practices.


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