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Scan with the Mend CLI


The Mend Command Line Interface (CLI) tool offers a streamlined approach to integrate Mend into your software development lifecycle phases through local scans, automated scripts, or CI/CD pipelines.


  • If you are using the legacy Mend SAST CLI (mendsastcli), upgrade to this newer release.

Use cases of the Mend CLI

The Mend CLI provides the following benefits to you and your team:

  • Offer expansive coverage of AST methods: The Mend CLI SCA, SAST, and Container Image engines identify security findings throughout multiple stages of your organization’s SDLC.

  • Seamless integration with CI/CD tools: Easy to install and implement, the Mend CLI is the first-rate choice for enabling your DevOps team to secure your pipelines in CI/CD solutions such as Azure DevOps, Bitbucket, CircleCI, GitHub Actions, and more.

  • Help you get ahead of malicious packages: With our SCA engine for the Mend CLI, detect software supply chain compromises before they can cause harm.

  • Display immediate results in-terminal: With the Mend CLI, results are instantly displayed directly in your terminal and can also be exported locally as a report file.

  • Provide real-time remediation suggestions: Our powerful tool not only highlights the detected findings but also provides recommended remediations to them within the same interface.

  • Monitor security trends in the Mend Application: Mend CLI results can be uploaded to your connected Mend organization dashboards, allowing your AppSec Managers and Security Champions insights into your application security health.

Getting it done

Note: For inline tips on usage for the Mend CLI, use the mend -h or mend --help commands.


Looking for ideas to integrate the Mend CLI into your SDLC? Take a look at our implementation examples.

Release Notes

Mend CLI Release Notes

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