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Mend CLI Logs


This article consolidates various use cases for obtaining logs from a CLI scan.

Please note that it encompasses the multiple engines available in the Mend CLI, e.g., SCA, SAST, Container, etc.

CLI Logs

SCA Logs

The Mend CLI stores SCA scan logs in the .mend/logs/sca directory.

The Support token at the end of the scan can be provided to Mend Support for investigation purposes.
mend dep has a debug logs option using this environment variable MEND_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG.
For more information on the MEND_LOG_LEVEL=DEBUG parameter, please refer to our article Configure the Mend CLI for SCA.

Unified Agent Logs

Using the mend ua CLI command streams the Unified Agent console logs to the CLI.

The command also streams the Unified Agent exit code to the Mend CLI. For example:
If the Unified Agent exited with exit code (5) then the Mend CLI will also exit with exit code (5).
mend ua logs files are saved from the current execution folder (unless provided otherwise using WS_LOG_FILES_PATH).


The Mend CLI stores SAST scan logs in the .mend/logs/sast directory.

The Support token at the end of the scan can be provided to Mend Support for investigation purposes.

Container Images Logs

The Mend CLI stores Container Image scan logs in the .mend/logs/cn directory.

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