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View the results of your Mend CLI Container Image scan


Once your Mend CLI Container Image scan is completed, there are multiple resources provided to help you review, analyze, and triage your results.

Console results

The Mend CLI Container Image scan outputs a summary of the detected security vulnerabilities:




Displays the name of the library. An asterisk (*) indicates an OS library.


The severity level of the detected vulnerability (Critical, High, Medium, Low), according to the score of the relevant vendor. To detect malicious packages, run an SCA scan directly on the public libraries.

Installed Version

Displays the version of the library in this image.

Fixed Version

Displays the fixed version of the library in which this CVE is fixed.


DIsplays the details of the vulnerability, and a link to the CVE in Mend’s vulnerability database.

Mend Platform Application

Within the Mend Platform Application, you can review each Mend CLI scan’s summary, details, and more.


Mend CLI Logs - Container Images

The Mend CLI stores Container Image scan logs in the .mend/logs/cn directory.

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