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Workflow configuration parameters in the Mend Platform


This article covers the Automation Workflow configuration options within the Application of the Mend Platform.

Getting it done

Workflows - General Details

The General Details section is where you name your workflow. This value is displayed in the Name column within the Automation page of the Mend Platform.

Tip: We recommend naming the workflow with a value that will help you and your team understand its usage.

Workflows - Triggering Event

The Triggering Event section is where you set the event(s) (WHEN) to trigger the workflow:

  1. Code Analysis

  2. Containers Analysis

  3. Dependencies Analysis

  4. New Application Created

  5. New Project Created

Workflows - Scope Conditions

The Scope Conditions section is where you define the scope that the conditions/triggers will apply to, where you can select the option to Include/Exclude the defined settings:

  1. Entire Organization

  2. Application

  3. Project

  4. Labels

Workflows - Event Conditions

The Event Conditions section is where you set the condition(s) (IF) to trigger the workflow. You can set multiple conditions condition groups and define their logical expressions (OR, AND).

By Code Scan Complete - SAST



Finding Age

Set the Finding Age by those older than a certain number of days or months, defining a specific date range (Between) or Greater Than.

Finging CWE Type

Set the specific CWE Type Id from the provided dropdown list that will trigger the workflow action.

Note: Only one CWE can be selected for each condition group created.

Finding Severity

Set the Findings Severity and occurrences criteria that will trigger the workflow action. The supported syntax is a number greater than 0.

By Dependencies Scan Complete - SCA



EPSS Score

Set the EPSS Score rating criteria that will trigger the workflow action. The supported syntax is a decimal number from 0 - 1. For example: 0.4.

Is Malicious Package

The workflow action will be triggered if a malicious package is detected (or not). You can set the workflow trigger values to either True or False.

Library Name

The workflow action will be triggered if a library name matching the defined criteria is detected.


The workflow action will be triggered if a specific License Name is found (or not). You can set the workflow trigger values to either In, Is Empty, Match, Not In or No Match and select license name(s) from the dropdown list.

Vulnerability ID

The workflow action will be triggered if a specific Vulnerability Id is found (or not). You can set the workflow trigger values to either Equals or Not Equals.

Vulnerability Reachable

The workflow action will be triggered if a Reachable Vulnerability is found (or not). You can set the workflow trigger values to either True, False, or Unknown.

Vulnerability Score

Set the Vulnerability Score rating criteria that will trigger the workflow action. The supported syntax is a decimal number from 0 - 10. For example: 5.4

Vulnerability Severity

The workflow action will be triggered if a Vulnerability Severity equals (or not) . You can set the workflow trigger values to either Unknown,Low, Medium, High, or Critical.

By Image Scan Complete - Containers



EPSS Score

Set the EPSS Score rating criteria that will trigger the workflow action. The supported syntax is a decimal number from 0 - 1. For example: 0.4.

Library Name

The workflow action will be triggered if a library name matching the defined criteria is detected.


The workflow action will be triggered if a specific License Name is found (or not). You can set the workflow trigger values to either In, Is Empty, Match, Not In or No Match and select license name(s) from the dropdown list.

Vulnerability ID

The workflow action will be triggered if a specific Vulnerability Id is found (or not). You can set the workflow trigger values to either Equals or Not Equals.

Vulnerability Reachable

The workflow action will be triggered if a Reachable Vulnerability is found (or not). You can set the workflow trigger values to either True or False.

Vulnerability Score

Set the Vulnerability Score rating criteria that will trigger the workflow action. The supported syntax is a decimal number from 0 - 10. For example: 5.4

Vulnerability Severity

The workflow action will be triggered if a Vulnerability Severity equals (or not) . You can set the workflow trigger values to either Unknown,Low, Medium, High, or Critical.

Workflows - Action options

The Actions section is where you set the response (THEN) to the condition(s) being met for the workflow.



Assign Label

Set the Labels from the provided dropdown list that will be assigned for the Application/Project.

Create Jira Issue

Create a Jira Issue.

Note: Creating Jira Issues from within the Mend Platform requires you to have Mend's Jira Integration installed and configured.

Create Policy Violation

Create a Policy Violation for a triggered completed scan. By default, when a policy violation is created, the build will automatically fail (Error 9 in the Mend CLI).

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