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Create Labels for your Organization in the Mend Platform


Creating Labels for your Organization will allow you to assign them to Applications and Projects. The purpose of assigning Labels to Applications and Projects is to use the labels to filter for the findings within Applications and Projects assigned to specific Labels and review and report just those findings.

Use cases for Labels in the Mend Platform

As an AppSec Manager or Security Champion, you can utilize Labels in the Mend Platform to prioritize and triage the highest-risk findings in the following ways:

  • Review the findings across your entire Organization with Applications and Projects assigned specific Labels.

  • Review the findings of all Projects under a single Application assigned specific Labels.

  • Review the findings of all Projects under multiple Applications assigned specific Labels.

  • Review the findings within only Projects assigned specific Labels across all Applications.

  • Review the findings of a single Project assigned specific Labels.

Getting it done

Create labels for your Organization in the Mend Platform

  1. Log into the Mend Platform.

  2. Click the settings gear in the top right corner of the page.

  3. Click Administration to navigate to the Administration page.

  1. Click Labels in the left Administration list to navigate to the Labels management page.

  2. Click the + Create Label button in the top right corner of the Labels table.

  1. Enter a name for your Label in the Create Label pop-up window.

  2. Click OK.

The new Label will be added to the Labels table, and a notification will appear in the bottom right corner of the window.


There’s no limit to the number of labels that can be set in your organization on the Mend Platform.

A label is comprised of 2 fields:

  1. Value, allows up to 50 characters.

  2. Namespace (optional), allows up to 30 characters. This field can be used to easily group several labels together.
    When both fields are used, they must be separated by a colon.
    Example: "Team:SCA" -> Team is the namespace and SCA is the value.


    If no colon is found, the entire input will be set in the value field.

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