Create Global Code Scan Configuration
As an AppSec Manager, you can configure how Code Scans are performed globally in your organization and what findings are displayed in the Mend Platform and the Code Security Report in Repo Integrations.
To allow the management of Code Scans at scale, you can create Code Scan Configuration templates at the organizational level. These configuration templates can be used as a default for all scanned projects or can be explicitly assigned to a specific set of Applications/Projects. When a template is modified (e.g. a certain CWE is disabled), this will immediately affect all projects using this template.
Note: For project-level code scan configuration, please visit our Create Code Scan Configurations per Project documentation.
Use Case for Global Code Scan Configurations
As an AppSec manager or Security Champion, you may want to customize your entire organization’s Code Scan Configurations to:
Configure the set of CWEs that the Code scan checks for - to reduce the noise by reporting only the findings you are interested in.
Customize Taint Sources, Taint Sinks, and Taint Sanitizers - to get higher accuracy by fine-tuning the analysis.
Configure (default) exclusions - to ignore external or irrelevant code.
Getting it done
This section describes how to navigate to the Global Code Scan Configuration settings, presents the various configuration options, and explains how to assign the global scan configuration to a specific application or multiple ones.
Navigate to the Global Code Scan Configuration page
Log into the Mend Platform.
Click the settings gear in the top right corner of the page.
Click Administration to navigate to the Administration page.
Click Code Scan Config in the left Administration list to navigate to the Code Scan Configuration page.
The Code Scan Configuration page
The Code Scan Configuration page has three tabs: the General Configuration tab, the Language-Specific Configuration tab, and the Path Exclusions tab.
The General Configuration tab is the default tab, where you can define the scan scope. In the Language-Specific Configuration section, you have five sections to fine-tune the analysis behavior for each language:
Create a Global Code Scan Configuration
General Configuration
The General Configuration is language-independent and lists all the CWEs supported by Mend.
Scan Scope
The Scan Scope section is divided into three severity widgets, High, Medium, and Low, and allows you to determine the CWEs (Common Weakness Enumeration) that the Code Scans should check for and customize the severity level assigned to them.
Predefined Scan Scope is automatically updated when Mend adds support for a new CWE that is relevant for this scope. Custom Scan Scope is never changed as long as you do not change it manually.
As an AppSec Manager, you can easily select a whole set of desired CWEs (e.g. for a specific severity or compliance standard) by using one of the Predefined Scan Scope options:
As an alternative, you can also define a Custom Scan Scope, where you can customize the severities and CWEs:
Uncheck the boxes next to a CWE to remove it from the scope.
Check the boxes to add the CWE back to the scope.
Assign a Custom Severity to a CWE by clicking on the Custom Severity field to the right of the CWE you wish to assign a Custom Severity. A dropdown list will be displayed.
Language-Specific Configurations
The Language-Specific Configurations section allows you to fine-tune the analysis of this specific language on a global level. You can define the configuration through the Predefined Taint Sources or Custom Taint Sources, Custom Taint Sinks, Custom Taint Sanitizers, and control the Depth Settings.
Add Languages
Click the + Languages button to display a list of languages that can be added to the scan.
Select a language from the drop-down list to add it to the configuration.
Remove Languages
Click the X to the right of the language you want to remove from the configuration.
Understanding Taint Sources, Taint Sanitizers, and Taint Sinks
Taint Sources
Taint Sources represent any function or property corresponding to an input into the program, such as HTTP request parameters, files, file metadata, command line arguments, network services, and others. An attacker can use these unsanitized channels to trigger many different types of security vulnerabilities, for example, command injections, cross-site scripting, or path traversal.
Taint Sanitizers
Taint Sanitizers represent any function that is used to ensure that data from taint sources can not cause any harm. Standard HTML encoders, string-to-integer conversions, and similar input cleansers will be recognized automatically. If you utilize any project-specific input sanitization, like custom encoders or validation functions, you can add them to prevent false alarms.
Taint Sinks
Taint Sinks represent locations in your code where the data from a taint source is being used and could cause harm if unsanitized. A large set of taint sinks is preconfigured, but you can add more function definitions in case of any missing rules to potentially detect more findings.
The Code scan identifies the data flows of untrustworthy inputs from taint sources and whether or not the inputs go through a taint sanitizer before being used by taint sinks or other parts of the system.
Predefined Taint Sources
The Predefined Taint Sources section lists all the Taint Sources identified by Mend for the currently selected language in the Language-Specific Configuration section. By default, all Predefined Taint Sources are enabled.
Select the Predefined Taint Sources that fit the Project
Uncheck the boxes next to a Taint Source to remove it.
Check the boxes to add the Taint Source back.
Custom Taint Sources
The Custom Taint Sources section provides the ability to add Taint Sources beyond the predefined ones.
Add Custom Taint Sources
Click + Add in the top right corner of the Custom Taint Sources widget. The Add Custom Taint Source dialog box will appear.
Enter the name of the Custom Taint Source.
Click OK.
Edit Custom Taint Sources
Click the pencil icon next to the Custom Taint Source you wish to edit. The Edit Custom Taint Source dialog box will appear.
Change the name of the Custom Taint Source.
Click OK.
Remove Custom Taint Sources
Click the trash can icon next to the Custom Taint Source you wish to remove. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
Click Yes.
Custom Taint Sanitizers
The Custom Taint Sanitizers section provides the ability to add Taint Sanitizers if any project-specific input sanitization is utilized.
Add Custom Taint Sanitizers
Click + Add in the top right of the Custom Taint Sanitizers widget. The Add Custom Taint Sanitizer dialog box will appear.
Enter or select values for the following fields:
All required fields are required.
Function Name: The name of the custom taint sanitizer function
Total Number of Parameters: The number of parameters the custom taint sanitizer function expects
Filtered Parameter: The position of the parameter, counting from 1, in the list of expected parameters that is sanitized by this function
Type: A dropdown list to select the Sanitizer type the custom taint sanitizer function is for. Sanitizers are specific for certain vulnerability types.
Click OK.
Edit Custom Taint Sanitizers
Click the pencil icon next to the Custom Taint Sanitizers you wish to edit. The Edit Custom Taint Sanitizer dialog box will appear.
Change the desired field values(s) on the Edit Custom Taint Sanitizers dialog box.
Click OK.
Remove Custom Taint Sanitizers
Click the trash can icon next to the Custom Taint Sanitizer you wish to remove. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
Click Yes.
Custom Taint Sinks
The Custom Taint Sinks section provides the ability to add Taint Sinks to potentially detect more unsanitized input findings.
Add Customer Taint Sinks
Click + Add in the top right of the Custom Taint Sinks widget. The Add Custom Taint Sink dialog box will appear.
Enter or select values for the following fields:
All fields are required.
Function Name: The name of the custom taint sink function
Total Number of Parameters: The number of parameters the custom taint sink function expects
Vulnerable Parameter: The position of the vulnerable parameter, counting from 1, in the list of expected parameters
Description: A description of why the custom taint sink function is vulnerable. This will be later displayed in the findings data flow.
CWE Type: A dropdown list to select the CWE type for which the custom taint sink function will report findings.
Click OK.
Edit Customer Taint Sinks
Click the pencil icon next to the Custom Taint Sink you wish to edit. The Edit Custom Taint Sink dialog box will appear.
Change the desired field value(s) on the Edit Custom Taint Sanitizers dialog box.
Click OK.
Remove Customer Taint Sinks
Click the trash can icon next to the Custom Taint Sink you wish to remove. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
Click Yes.
Depth Settings
Note: The Code scan follows the flow of the tainted input data through your system. These flows can become very complex, resulting in a longer scan duration. You can reduce the number of analyzed steps to improve the runtime or increase it to potentially detect more findings.
The Depth Settings section provides the ability to adjust the number of steps analyzed.
Move the Max. Function Depth slider to the left or right to reduce or increase the Max. Function Depth value.
Move the Max. Variable Copy slider to the left or right to reduce or increase the Max. Variable Copy value.
The Path Exclusions tab
You do not need to save configuration changes before switching between the Language-Specific Configuration and Path Exclusion tabs.
The automatic Added Path Exclusions provided by Mend as a set of default exclusions. You can select them or add a new one manually.
The Code scan can be limited to only relevant files and directories to improve the performance and reduce the noise by defining exclusions from the scanned project. Patterns for typical build, library, or test directories are predefined, but you can either adjust them or add more exclusions. These are defined as Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) path matching.
The Path Exclusions section provides the ability to add, remove, or modify Paths that will be ignored by the Code Scan.
Add Path Exclusions
Click + Add in the top right of the Path Exclusions widget. The Add Path Exclusion dialog box will appear.
Enter the desired Path to be added to the Path Exclusions list.
Click Create/Update.
Edit Path Exclusions
Note: The Code scan can be limited to only relevant files and directories to improve the performance and reduce the noise by defining exclusions from the scanned project. Patterns for typical build, library, or test directories are predefined, but you can either adjust them or add more exclusions. These are defined as Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) path matching.
Select the Path Exclusion field you wish to edit.
Change the value in the Path Exclusion field.
Click Create/Update.
Remove a single Path Exclusion
Click the trash can icon next to the excluded Path you wish to remove. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
Remove multiple Path Exclusions
Check the boxes next to the excluded Paths you want to remove. The Remove button will appear next to the Path Exclusions widget title.
Click Remove. A confirmation dialog box will appear.
Click Yes.
Save the Global Code Scan Configuration
After completing the desired Global Code Scan Configuration changes, click Create in the bottom right corner of the page:
Assign the Global Code Scan Configuration
Note: If a certain project has an assigned Global Code Scan Configuration, the project-specific configuration options are limited to Custom Sources/Taint Sinks/Taint Sanitizers and Path Exclusions. CWEs are always inherited from the used global configuration.
Once Global Code Scan Configuration has been set up, you have multiple ways to apply it within your organization:
Set the Global Code Scan Configuration as a default for all projects in your organization:
You can assign the Code Scan Configuration to a specific Application or Project by:
Navigate to the Manage Applications/Projects in the Administration panel:
Select one or more Applications/Projects for which you would like to assign a Code Scan Config.
There are three hierarchy levels for Code Scan Configuration:
Global default configuration: All projects of the org (as long as nothing more specific is configured
Application-level configuration: Overrides global default configuration for all projects within this Application.
Project-level configuration: Overrides Application or default configuration assignment.
View your assigned Code Scan Configuration
There are several ways to see which Code Configuration is in use for a given Application/Project:
In the Scans view in the Mend Platform:
In the Code Scan Config view of a Project in the Mend Platform:
In the Scan Log view of a Project in the Mend Platform:
4. In the Mend CLI scan view:
5. In the Applications/Projects table view: