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Legacy Mend UI - Rotating an Organizations API Key

This article covers the procedure on how to change your Mend organization token. To change your organization token, you will need to contact Mend Support. You can do so by logging into our Support Portal.

IMPORTANT: You will need to update all of your Mend configuration files and relevant environment variables used during scans, as well as other integrations, to apply the new organization token once the change has been made.

Why would I want to change my organization token?

There are a few reasons why your company may want to change your Mend organization token, some examples being:

  • Requirement of a company security policy

  • Exposure to or breach from non-company-approved entities

  • Routine rotation maintenance of tokens

Information needed to process the change

The support engineer that assists you with changing your organization token will need certain information to complete this request. When opening your support ticket, please provide us with the following information:

  • The Mend instance where your organization is located (i.e. saas, saas-eu, app, app-eu, or dedicated instance)

  • Your organization name

  • Your organization’s current token

  • Your user key (must be a key of an organization administrator)

  • The date/time you wish for this change to be made (including your timezone)

NOTE: Due to the nature of this change, we recommend to notify your users ahead of time to prepare your Mend integrations for the new organization token. It is also strongly recommended that no scans are running during the scheduled time of the change. Typically, scheduling this change with Support during non-business hours is best practice and easiest to implement.

Here is a request template to help get you started in your case to the Support team to change your organization token:

Hi Mend Support,

We are requesting to change our organization token. Here is our information:
- Instance:
- Organization Name:
- Organization Token:
- User Key:
- Date/Time:

Where can I find this information?

Mend instance

You can find your Mend instance by following these steps:

  1. Log into the Mend application

  2. Navigate to your address bar, typically located at the top of your browser

  3. The instance will be after the HTTPS, for example:

Organization name

You can find your Organization name by following these steps:

  1. Log into the Mend application

  2. Navigate to the top-left of the UI, where you will see the name of the organization you are in

  3. If you would like to grab another name of an organization you are a part of, click on the dropdown arrow to display the list of your organizations:

Organization’s current token

You can find your Organization’s current token by following these steps:

  1. Log into the Mend application

  2. In the relevant organization, navigate to the Integrate tab located on the top menu bar:

  3. Under Integration > Organization, you will find the organization token value as the API Key setting. You can use the copy icon to copy the organization token and paste it into your request with Support:

User key

You can find your user key by following the steps below. Please note that the user key must be associated with an organization administrator:

  1. Log into the Mend application

  2. In the top-right corner of the UI, click on your name > Profile:

  3. Click on the User Keys option:

  4. Copy a user key from the existing list or, if you do not have a user key, you can create one by clicking on Generate User Key:

Processing the change

Once we receive your request, we will schedule the change at the date and time mentioned. You will receive a response from Support in your case once the change has been processed. You will see the new organization token in the UI via the Integrate > Organization < API Key setting.

NOTE: We recommend that, once the organization token has been changed, to notify your users of the new organization token value to update your Mend integrations.

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