Legacy Mend UI - Enabling “New Versions” Alerts for Source Libraries
This article covers the steps needed in order to enable the creation of ‘New Version’ alerts for source file libraries.
Mend is designed to raise the ‘New Version’ alert for project dependencies and/or binary libraries inside the application.
However, when it comes to source libraries, they will not get this type of alert. For example, let us take the source library ‘libc-glibc-2.28’:
While the information of known versions is available for the library under the ‘Versions & Trends’ tab,
when we check the library’s ‘Alerts’ tab, we will see that it shows no ‘New Versions’ alerts:
Whereas binary libraries will get new version alerts, source libraries will be excluded from this behavior, unless this setting is explicitly enabled from the application UI.
To create 'New Versions' alerts for source libraries, you should navigate to Admin > Alerts and check the option ‘Show Version Updates for Source Libraries’. Then, press the ‘Recalculate Alerts’ button in order for that change to take effect on your existing organization’s inventory.