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How to disable Remediate completely

To fully disable Remediate, and minimize associated logs, follow the steps below. These instructions will guide you in completely disabling Remediate, reducing associated logs, and ensuring that the deactivation process does not affect GHE Integration functionality, including webhooks interception, queues on the Mend side, checkRuns, or Issues.

Disabling Steps:

  1. Disable Automatic Creation of Fix Pull Requests:

Set the following parameter in your configuration to false:

"remediateSettings": {
  "workflowRules": {
    "enabled": false

This step prevents the automatic creation of fix Pull Requests.

  1. Disable Webhook Forwarding to Remediate:

Update the prop.json file disabling the communication between the Controller and Remediate through the settings webhook.remediate.url and bolt4scm.forward.webhook.remediate like below:

      "propertyName": "webhook.remediate.url",
      "enabled": false,
      "propertyName": "bolt4scm.forward.webhook.remediate",
      "enabled": false,
      "propertyValue": "false",

This step disables the forwarding of webhooks to Remediate.

  1. Do Not Run Remediate on Integration Startup:

Skip the execution of the Remediate component when initializing the integration.

Verification Steps:

  1. Verify Disconnection:

After making the above changes, check your logs for the following messages:

PropertiesParser, Property webhook.remediate.url, couldn't find /etc/usr/local/whitesource/bolt4scm/ 
PropertiesParser, Property bolt4scm.forward.webhook.remediate, couldn't find /etc/usr/local/whitesource/bolt4scm/ 

This indicates that the properties related to Remediate forwarding are not found, confirming the disconnection.

  1. Confirm Connectivity Check Results:

Ensure that connectivity check results show success for "Controller to Remediate Connectivity" and "Remediate to Controller Connectivity." Step 2 from ‘Disabling Steps’ disables forwarding, which, in turn, disables the connectivity checks between the controller and Remediate, and they will always show as SUCCESS.

wss-ghe-app        | =======================================================================
wss-ghe-app        | ====== Mend Repo Integration - Controller Startup Checks =======
wss-ghe-app        | =======================================================================
wss-ghe-app        | 
wss-ghe-app        | +--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------------------+
wss-ghe-app        | | Check Name                           | Status       | Error                          |
wss-ghe-app        | +--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------------------+
wss-ghe-app        | | Activation Key Parsing               | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | Mend API Connectivity                | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | Activation Key Validation            | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | Mend Credentials                     | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | Queue Implementation                 | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | Cache Implementation                 | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | SCM API Connectivity                 | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | GitHub App Permissions               | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | Controller to Remediate Connectivity | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | | Remediate to Controller Connectivity | SUCCESS      |                                |
wss-ghe-app        | +--------------------------------------+--------------+--------------------------------+
wss-ghe-app        | 
wss-ghe-app        | =======================================================================
wss-ghe-app        | =======================================================================
wss-ghe-app        | =======================================================================
  1. Verify Webhook Forwarding Skip:

In the logs, you should see a message indicating the skipping of forwarding webhooks to Remediate:

2023/12/12 17:21:07.580/UTC [DEBUG] com.wss.bolt.manager.RemediateManager - [CTX=...] Skipping forwarding webhooks to Remediate 
  1. Check for any Remediate Events:

Confirm you do not see any events related to Remediate, such as GhRemediateJob or GET_REMEDIATE_FEED. If you find any events, consult Mend Support.

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