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View your AI Components Report


The AI Components (previously “ML BoM”) Report allows you to view all AI models integrated with your applications.

After initiating a scan with the Mend CLI, you can review the findings within your organization in the Mend Platform.

Getting it done


  • A Mend AI entitlement for your organization.

  • Mend AI discovers AI frameworks and third-party AI models and providers automatically as part of an SCA CLI scan (mend ua / mend dep / mend sca), however it uses a separate scanner, which must be enabled for automatic AI discovery to take place as part of your SCA scans.

To run an SCA scan, please follow the steps in this article.

Preparing your Report

You can access the AI Components report on two levels within the Mend Platform:

  1. Application level.

  2. Project level.

To access the AI Components report, simply navigate through the Applications or Projects view in the Mend Platform.

In the chosen Application/Project, click ‘AI Inventory’ on the left-pane menu:


The AI Components report displays all the LLM components found in your application/project inventory.

The following information is displayed for each model:

  • Model: The name and version of the model library found in your application code.

  • Project: In the context of an application, displays the number of projects containing the AI model.

  • Type: The AI-model type (e.g., Open-source, Service).

  • License: The license of the detected LLM API or the detected model files.

  • Engine: Denotes whether the data was acquired from artifacts of AI models or from code.

  • Origin: File path(s) of the component.

  • Homepage: A reference URL to the library’s or LLM's homepage.

  • Author: Entity author, i.e., the company who developed the model (e.g., OpenAI, Antrophic, etc.).

  • Provider ToS: The provider’s terms of service, if applicable.

Exporting your AI Components Report

By clicking the “Create Report” button on the right, you will be able to create a report containing all of the AI-related models.


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