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Application Summary


The Summary page includes information about all of the scans performed under the application:

By hovering over the bar charts, risks and compliance standard violations for the latest application scan can be observed:

Application Scans

To view a table of the scans that were run under this application, navigate to the Application Scans section at the bottom of the Summary page:

Table contents

Column Value


Scan Name

The name of the scan. The naming convention is as follows: "Scan-<scannedfoldername>-<dateofscan>-<starttimeofscan>"

Scan Status

The status of the scan:

  • Created: scan has been created

  • Running: scan is currently in progress

  • Finished: scan completed with full results

  • Partial: scan completed with partial results

  • In Queue: scan is waiting to start

  • Stopped: scan process was stopped or cancelled

  • Failed: scan was unsuccessful due to an error

Severity Levels

The severity levels and counts of vulnerabilities reported in your scan results:

  • Red Icon: High Severity

  • Yellow Icon: Medium Severity

  • Green Icon: Low Severity

Date / Time

The date and time the scan completed


Eye Icon - This will take you to the scan’s Details page

Trashcan Icon - This will delete the selected scan from your organization

Additional Actions

To view information on how to create an application report and other additional application options, please navigate to our Application Actions article.

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