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Applications Tab


The Applications tab enables you to review application details, as well as to edit, search, and delete applications. A single application can be seen as a project. It stores the entire scan history and shows relevant metrics:

Table contents

Column Value


Application Name

The name of the application

Severity Levels

The severity levels and counts of vulnerabilities reported in the application:

  • Red Icon: High Severity

  • Yellow Icon: Medium Severity

  • Green Icon: Low Severity

Last Scan Time

The most recent scan that was run under the application


Eye Icon - This will take you to the selected application’s Summary page

Pencil Icon - This will take you into the update page of the selected application

Trashcan Icon - This will delete the selected application from your organization

Adjusting the table

Search applications

Searching through applications is done by entering the search query into the Search field in the upper right corner of the Applications tab:


By default, 10 applications per page are are displayed, which can be adjusted by selecting the drop-down menu in the lower right corner (up to 50 applications per page):


To sort by any of the three columns, click on the column header (Application Name, Severity Levels, Last Scan Time):


To filter the results by Severity Levels, click on the filter icon in the Severity Levels column and choose one or more values:

Creating or editing applications

To create a new application, or, to edit an existing application, please visit our Creating or Editing an Application article for further steps.

Deleting applications

Deleting applications can be done by selecting an application using a checkbox on the left side of the row and then clicking the Delete Selected button, or by clicking on the trashcan icon on the right side of the row:

Please Note: When deleting an application, all scans for that application will be deleted as well.

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