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Configure Mend Advise Code for JetBrains IDEs


Configuring Mend Advise Code is a user-friendly and straightforward process, ensuring ease of implementation across supported JetBrains IDEs such as IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, and WebStorm.

Getting it done

Once you have completed the prerequisite and installation steps for Mend Advise Code, the only configuration you need to confirm is the Mend CLI path within the Mend Advise Code → Settings page. You can access the Settings page via:

  • FileSettingsToolsMend Advise Code:

  • Mend Advise Code “” plugin panel → Settings button:


Mend Advise Code for IntelliJ Settings



Mend CLI path

Required. Default: $PATH. Specify the path to your Mend CLI installation (mend.exe). The available options are:

  • System default ($PATH)

  • Custom: Use a custom value if your Mend CLI installation is not in a location included in your $PATH variable.

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