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Why is my Project Empty?


This article explains why some Unified Agent scans that show results in the log summary will display an empty project on the application side.

Some of the Unified Agent scans might result in 0 dependencies and a number of found source files, such as the summary below:

However, once the user verifies the project on the application side it will be shown as empty, like in the example below:

The Unified Agent will report all the files with the desired extensions that it picks up during the scan. After that Mend matches the SHA1 values of these files with the ones available in our database. If no match is found for any of the SHA1 signatures then there is a high chance that the files are not open source, therefore they will not be displayed in the application UI.

With that said, if you prefer to see these files nevertheless, you have the possibility to do so.
In order to achieve that you can navigate in the UI to Integrate > Advanced Settings and enable the option 'Manage Unmatched Source Files' after which you should initiate another scan to see the new results.

Additional details can be found at Managing Unmatched Source Files

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