Retrieving Logs - Prioritize
When troubleshooting Prioritize related issues, the prioritize scan logs are required. By default, the prioritize notices log <Prioritize_notices_YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.log> is saved under the same location as the regular Unified Agent (UA) scan log (‘whitesource’ folder).
However, for issues that are required to be reviewed by R&D, you will need to generate the additional log by adding this argument in the command line:
-viaDebug true
The -viaDebug output will create a folder that includes the debug logging and data output around the components, vulnerabilities and effectiveness of the packages identified in your scan.
Log folder name: whitesource<numericString>
Log location:
Windows - C:\Users<userName>\AppData\Local\Temp\whitesource<numericString>
Unix - /tmp/whitesource<numericString>
Please make sure to supply the entire folder to Mend Support for review.
Change Prioritize log location
To change the log folder, you can specify the path with The command should look like this:
java -jar wss-unified-agent.jar -c wss-unified-agent.config -appPath...