Renovate failed to look up dependencies - Troubleshooting
This document covers common troubleshooting steps for when Renovate fails to look up dependencies

To effectively debug Renovate logs, set the Log Level to Debug and toggle “More Details” On

401 Errors
The first thing we want to look for is 401 errors.
DEBUG: GET https://myhost.url/index.json = (code=ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE, statusCode=401 retryCount=0, duration=7255)
These indicate Renovate was unable to authenticate to registry the package was located in. The most common reason for a 401 is due to absent or incorrectly set up Host Rules. When you set up your host rule, you will want to ensure it is scoped to Renovate and not Dependency Security.

Once the host rules are configured correctly, the 401 errors will go away.
404 Errors
A 404 will occur is if the package is referenced in the package manifest but it is not present in the defined registries. Renovate will only attempt to resolve packages at the registries your repository points in either a pom.xml, nuget.config, .npmrc etc. Renovate will only read the package manifest and will not attempt to build your application. If the repository definitions are changed at build time Renovate will be able to find the package.
DEBUG: Failed to look up nuget package SimpleExec
DEBUG: GET https://myhost.url/nuget/v3/registrations2-semver2/SimpleExec/index.json = (code=ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE, statusCode=404 retryCount=0, duration=1610)
When viewing the registry I can see my package is not defined there

Benign 404 errors
Not all 404 errors indicate an issue but they can create noise when trying to figure out issues in your renovate log.
If all 404 errors are benign, the warning will not appear on the dashboard.
Renovate config 404 errors
Renovate will always attempt to pull it’s configurations from a number of places first which can result in 404 errors.
DEBUG: Checking for a default Renovate preset which can be used.
DEBUG: Checking for preset: local>mendexample/renovate-config
DEBUG: GET = (code=ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE, statusCode=404 retryCount=0, duration=53)
DEBUG: Preset file default.json not found in mendexample/renovate-config: Response code 404 (Not Found)}
DEBUG: GET = (code=ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE, statusCode=404 retryCount=0, duration=60)
DEBUG: Preset file renovate.json not found in mendexample/renovate-config: Response code 404 (Not Found)}
DEBUG: Checking for preset: local>mendexample/.bitbucket:renovate-config
DEBUG: GET = (code=ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE, statusCode=404 retryCount=0, duration=57)
DEBUG: Preset file renovate-config.json not found in mendexample/.bitbucket: Response code 404 (Not Found)}
DEBUG: No default org/owner preset found, so the default onboarding config will be used instead.
Multiple Registries
If multiple registries are defined, Renovate will attempt to locate the package in each of the registries. If you are unsure if the 404 error for the package is benign, check your dashboard to see if renovate update is available.
DEBUG: GET https://my2ndhost.url/nuget/v3/registrations2-semver2/automapper/index.json = (code=ERR_NON_2XX_3XX_RESPONSE, statusCode=404 retryCount=0, duration=136)

Another check would be to search for the message Failed to look up <package name>
. This message will only appear for packages that were failed to be located in all registries.