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Maven with JFrog Artifactory - Host Rule Implementation

This article details the instructions to successfully configure our repo integrations with your Maven private registries that are hosted in JFrog Artifactory. Maven private registries can be accessed by authentication via a password or token. This will allow our repo integrations to scan your private Maven packages for vulnerabilities and compliance.

Option 1: Generating a JFrog token

  1. Within the JFrog platform Artifactory, navigate to your Administration > User Management > Access Tokens setting:

  2. Click + Generate Token:

  3. In the Generate Token window, select the Scoped Token option and fill in the settings as seen here:

    1. Description: can be any value

    2. Token scope: Admin

    3. User name: can be any value

    4. Service: All

    5. Expiration time: Never

  4. Click on Generate. Copy the Username you defined and the token that is generated:

Option 2: Using your JFrog password

  1. Within the JFrog platform Artifactory, navigate to the repository where your Maven packages are located

  2. Click on Set Me Up in the top-right corner of the page:

  3. Make sure the correct repository is selected within the Set Up a Maven Client window

  4. Enter your password:

  5. Click on Generate Settings:

  6. Click on Download Snippet:

  7. From the settings.xml that is generated, grab the password value:

Encrypting the JFrog token or password

For Mend-Hosted repo integrations (, Bitbucket Cloud, and Azure Repos)

  1. Navigate to our Mend's Repository Integration Secrets Encryption page

  2. Each secret you encrypt must be scoped to a GitHub org, Bitbucket Cloud Workspace, or Azure project, and its use will be restricted to those within the app. There are the following fields on the encryption page:

    1. Organization\Group - required; your GitHub org, Bitbucket Cloud Workspace, or your Azure project to which secrets are to be scoped

    2. Repository - optional; your GitHub or Azure repository to which secrets are to be scoped

    3. Raw value - required; your JFrog token that was created earlier in Option 1, or your JFrog password from Option 2

  3. Click on Encrypt. This will create an encrypted value, which is the result of the encryption to be used in the integration

  4. Copy this encrypted value

For Self-Hosted repo integrations (GitHub Enterprise, Bitbucket Server and Data Center, and GitLab)

Follow the steps outlined below to generate encryption for each of the Self-Hosted repo integrations:

  1. When generating a secret, there are the following fields on the encryption page:

    1. Organization\Group - required; your GitHub org, GitLab group, or Bitbucket group to which secrets are to be scoped

    2. Repository - optional; your repository to which secrets are to be scoped

    3. Raw value - required; your JFrog token that was created earlier in Option 1, or your JFrog password from Option 2

  2. Click on Encrypt. This will create an encrypted value, which is the result of the encryption to be used in the integration

  3. Copy this encrypted value

Where can I find the matchHost URL for Maven?

The URL that is to be used for the matchHost setting in the hostRules can be found in your settings.xml file via the <url> block, for example:


In most cases, your settings.xml will contain multiple <url> blocks. You will need to create a hostRule for each <url> listed in your settings.xml.

Applying the hostRules

Within your repo-config.json (if you have a global setup) or, in your .whitesource file (if you are configuring at the repo level), include the following required hostRules settings:

  • matchHost - The URL of the JFrog repository where your Maven packages are located. NOTE: You should have one rule for each JFrog repository where your Maven packages are located as they appear in your settings.xml - meaning there can be multiple hostRules.

  • hostType - maven

  • userName -

    • When using a token (Option 1), this will be the Username value that was set when you created the JFrog token

    • When using a password (Option 2), this will be the email address of your JFrog account

  • token or password - The encrypted value that was generated

hostRules Examples

token Example:

  "hostRules": [
      "matchHost": "https://<JFrog_Instance>/artifactory/<JFrog_Repo_Name>/",
      "hostType": "maven",
      "userName": "hostrules",
      "encrypted": {
        "token": "3f832f2983yf89hsd98ahadsjfasdfjaslf............"

password Example:

  "hostRules": [
      "matchHost": "https://<JFrog_Instance>/artifactory/<JFrog_Repo_Name>/",
      "hostType": "maven",
      "userName": "",
      "encrypted": {
        "password": "p278djfdsi9832jnfdshufwji2r389fdskj........."
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