Jira Issues are Not Being Created
The following article will include the first steps for troubleshooting our Jira integration and the possible reasons why Issues are not being created.
Check your installation
When using our Jira Cloud or Jira Server plugins, we recommend first checking your configuration. The installation steps for our Jira plugin can be found here: Jira Plugin Illustrated Installation Steps
Default Jira Project is set
After confirming your installation is correct, verify that the relevant Jira Project in the “Default Jira Project” setting on the Mend Plugin configuration page is set. Without this set, Issues will not be created:

The “Issue” policy has been triggered
There are two scenarios in which the “Issue” policy that was created for the plugin can be triggered:
A policy is matched with a library as a result of a scan
A policy is matched with a library when selecting the "Apply to Existing Inventory" within the Policies page in the Mend UI:

Note: The plugin can take up to an hour to update/create Issues for Jira Server, and 30 minutes for Jira Cloud.
Pending tasks
Check if you have pending task requests on the libraries that should have Issues opened for them.
For example, when a Mend project includes high vulnerability alerts on libraries that should trigger the policy but has pending tasks on the libraries, Issues will not be created. This is because the policy doesn't affect a library if it has a pending task on it. For the policy to trigger on the library, we need to handle the pending task first. There are two options to handle this scenario:
Navigate to the Policies tab where the “Issue” policy is created and force the policies on the pending tasks by clicking “Apply to pending Requests”.
Check if it is necessary to receive pending tasks for every new library. If not, within the Mend UI, under the Integrate tab, navigate to Advanced Settings and uncheck the following:
Open pending tasks for new libraries (applies to existing projects):
Jira REQUIRED fields
Another reason for Issues not being created is having REQUIRED
fields in your Jira Issue configuration. The Jira projects used by the integration should not include mandatory fields. If they do, the Mend Issue should be set to exclude them. Refer to our documentation here on this limitation: Issue Tracker Integrations - Limitations
For information on how to work around this behavior, please read our documentation here: Excluding Mandatory Fields for Mend Integration
Mend BOT User has permissions
When the Jira integrations run through their first sync, a service user is automatically created within the integrated Mend organization. It will have the name “issue_tracker_int_<MendOrganizationName>”. This service user is automatically added to the “admins” Group (with organization administrator permissions). The Jira integrations use this service user to fetch the “Issue” policy violations from your organization via the APIs also used in Creating Your Own Issue Tracker Plugin.
On the Jira side, a BOT user will be created. Depending on which integration you are using, the BOT user will look like this:
For Jira Cloud

For Jira Server

When the BOT user is created, it is automatically given the permissions of the jira-software-users
Group. However, this Group may not have the permissions needed to function properly in your specific Jira environment. Make sure to check global and project-level permissions within your Jira environment. In general, the Mend BOT user should have access to the following:
View Projects
Create/View Issues
Add Comments to Issues
Edit/Update Issues
Note: the Jira plugin does not move or change the status of a Jira Issue (for example, “OPEN" then moved to "DONE" or "COMPLETE"). The Jira Issue will remain open, until a user moves it to "DONE" or "COMPLETE" themselves.
Still no Issues created? Contact Mend Support
If after reading through this article, Jira Issues are still not created, please get in touch with Mend Support and provide the following, and we will be happy to assist you:
For Jira Cloud
Please provide your Jira Cloud URL for our investigation. Typically, Jira Cloud instances have the following format:
For Jira Server
Please provide us with your Jira plugin logs. For instructions on how to gather these logs, please follow our instructions documented here: How-to gather Jira Server plugin logs
Atlassian also offers general instructions on how to create a Support Zip here: https://confluence.atlassian.com/support/create-a-support-zip-790796819.html