Automatically Created Service Users
This article aims to address the process of automatically created service users and their role within the integration process.
Most of the time service users are manually created by one of the application users from the Admin > Users tab.
It is worth noting that this is not the only way a service user can be created inside the organization.
Service users are also automatically created by the system once an integration with another external tool is performed.
For example, let us take the case of integration with Mend for In this case, a service user similar to the one depicted below will be created:

It is important to note that these automatically created service users do not have access to the graphical user interface. They should not be deleted or excluded from the ‘admins’ group as their role is to communicate with Mend via APIs and assist in the workflow automation process.
While checking the Change Log History report, we can query for actions performed by the service user. In the example below, we can see that the GitHub projects have been created by the GitHub service user: