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Viewing Mend Prioritize Scan Results


Mend Prioritize scan results can be viewed in a variety of ways. Refer to the following sections for explanations.

Mend User Interface

Mend provides a dashboard and dedicated views related to vulnerabilities prioritization that provide the following:

  • Vulnerability Effectiveness-based view in the Vulnerabilities Analysis Pane, measuring the amount of vulnerabilities per Effectiveness-Indicator (“shield”) and includes metrics regarding the analysis coverage.

  • Effectiveness Indicator (“shield” symbol) per vulnerabilities and components is added to the security vulnerability information.

  • Traces view displaying the references to effective vulnerabilities from the proprietary application code.

Mend Prioritize Reports

Mend provides a set of useful and informative reports, that presents information regarding scans results and the vulnerabilities that were found in the analyzed libraries.

In addition to the basic Alerts Report, where effectiveness indicators are added to the vulnerabilities information, there are two dedicated reports regarding Mend Prioritize scan results:

  • Effective Usage Analysis Detailed Results Report - includes details of Mend Prioritize scan results for Organization, Products, and Projects.

  • Effective Usage Analysis Summary Report - includes an executive summary with aggregated statistics regarding the WhiteSource Prioritize scan.

Mend Prioritize API

Mend Prioritize API enables programmatic access to comprehensive analysis results. A dedicated Mend Prioritize API returns the analysis results (in a JSON format) for all applicable Projects in a specified Organization (by Product). Refer here for details.

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