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Verifying the Integrity of the Unified Agent

It is recommended to verify the integrity of the downloaded Unified Agent’s JAR file per each release. The following two options are available:

  1. Checksum verification
    Calculate the SHA-256 checksum of the Unified Agent’s JAR file and compare it to the published checksum file (in GitHub or S3).

  2. Signature verification
    Use the JarSigner tool to verify the signature of the Unified Agent's JAR file and ensure that it originated from mend. Do as follows:

    1. Download JarSigner (there are multiple sources from where the utility can be downloaded).

    2. From the command line, enter the following command to run JarSigner and view the list of security certificates in the JAR file:

      jarsigner -verify -verbose <UA jar>

After running, ensure that the Mend information appears in the list of security certificates.

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