The Plugin Request History Report
The Plugin Request History Report provides up-to-date details of all plugin update requests for an organization, including whether or not there were policy violations.
Accessing the Report
From the main menu, select Reports > Plugin Request History. The Plugin Request History Report page is displayed.
Select the date range for which the report should be created, as follows:
Select the Dates check box and enter the required dates in the From and To fields.
Click Show Records and wait for the data to load into the report table.
To further filter the report, do as follows:
Expand the Filter area, select a property from the By dropdown menu, and enter the Value by which to filter.
The property options are: Time (default), Requested by, Agent, Request Type, Request Token, Product and Comment.Click Filter.
After defining all the relevant filters, the Plugin Request History Report is generated displaying all the plugin update requests.

Understanding the Report Data
The Plugin Request History Report displays the following information for each plugin update request:
Time: Date and time the plugin update request was made
Requested by: Name of the user that initiated the request
Agent: Name of the Agent that ran the update request
Request Type: Identifies the type of update request. Can be one of the following:
Check Policies
Request Token: A token that uniquely identifies the update request.
Product: The name of the product for which the update request was made
Comment: Comment that was entered regarding the update request. If no comment was entered, the field is blank.
Policy Violation: true or false (default) indicating whether or not there were policy violations. If true, you can click the true link to see the actual details of the policy violation. For details, see The Plugin Policy Violation History Report.
Exporting the Report
To export the report, click the Export dropdown menu at the top right corner of the report, and select the required export format:
The exported report will reflect the selected date range context and specified filters.
For examples of exported report types, see .