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SCA Reachability Scope


Reachability is available for:

  1. Java

  2. JavaScript

  3. Python (beta)


  • Reachability for Python in the GitHub Enterprise integration is not available by default but can be enabled on demand. Version or above is a prerequisite.

It can be scanned via the:

  1. GitHub Repo integrations ( starting 24.3.1, GitHub Enterprise starting 24.3.2)

  2. The Mend CLI

Results are available via:

  1. The Mend CLI interactive mode + reports

  2. GitHub Repo integrations ( starting 24.3.1, GitHub Enterprise starting 24.3.2)

  3. The Mend Platform

  4. The Mend Core UI (Legacy)

Use Cases

Use-Case #



Scanning a Java project with the Mend CLI

Note: you can scan a multi-module project with no additional configuration.


Scanning a JavaScript project with the Mend CLI

NOTE: You can scan a multi-language project with no additional configuration.


Scanning a Python project with the Mend CLI


Scanning a Java project with the Repository Integration (, GitHub Enterprise)


Scanning a JavaScript project with the Repository Integration (, GitHub Enterprise)


Scanning a Python project with the Repository Integration (


Viewing results in the CLI

  1. Interactive mode

  2. CLI reports in a .text file

  3. CLI reports in a .json file

See related documentation here.


Viewing results in the repository integration (GitHub only):

  1. Checkrun results (Security Check)

  2. GitHub Issue

  3. Pull request 


Viewing results in the Core Application UI

  • The results here are depicted by shields, as opposed to a Reachable/Unreachable status as in other products.

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

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