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The Profile page within the Mend Application includes information for your personal account across your organizations:



The Identity section includes your basic user vitals and allows you to change your password via the Change Password button:

  • Name: Your name

    • This can be edited by clicking on the edit hyperlink next to your name.

  • Email: Your email address associated with this user

  • Created on: The date your user was created

  • Language: The links within the Mend Application to the documentation space based on your language preference

    • You can edit the language by clicking on the drop-down arrow. The available options are:

      • English

      • Japanese

Social Identities

The Social Identities section allows you to connect your GMail account to your Mend login via the Associate Social Account button. To learn more, visit our Logging In to Mend's Web-Based Application article:

System Notifications

The System Notifications section allows you to enable and disable email notifications to your email address associated with your user for each of your Mend organizations:

Server URLs

The Server URLs section provides the following links:

  • Mend Server URL: The Mend instance your user account is on.

  • API Base URL (v1.4): The URL used for Mend’s API v1.4.

  • API Base URL (v2.0): The URL used for Mend’s API v2.0.

User Keys

The User Keys section includes the list of the user keys you’ve generated, including their creation time. To generate a user key, click on the Generate User Key button. You can also remove a user key by clicking on the remove hyperlink next to the relevant user key:

Product Tokens

The Product Tokens section includes the list of products that your user is an administrator of. It also includes their product token and associated Mend organization:

Advise for Chrome

The Advise for Chrome section includes both the active and non-active integrations for Mend’s Advise for Chrome extension for each Mend organization that you are an admin of:

Mend Advise - IDE Integration

The Mend Advise - IDE Integration section provides your personal license key to use Mend’s IDE integrations for each of your organizations:

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