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Configuration Recommended Mode

The detection mode (Configuration Recommendation) identifies the environment that the user wants to scan and creates the configuration file automatically.

The recommendation mode is supported from Unified Agent version 19.7.2 onwards. 

This mode quickly determines the required folder's environment, such as file extensions and package managers. The output of this mode is a configuration file, which will be automatically created in the folder where the command ran: wss-generated-file.config. 

The generated configuration will contain the list of recommended parameters based on the environment, and also the mandatory parameters: APIKeyProductNameProjectName/ProjectToken and Wss.URL

To use the Configuration Recommendation mode, do as follows:

  1. In the folder that you want to scan, in the command line, enter java -jar unified_agent.jar -detect

  2. In the folder that was scanned, access the generated file, wss-generated-file.config. 

  3. Add the mandatory parameters to the file. 

  4. Run the Unified Agent scan: java -jar unified_agent.jar -c wss-generated-file.config.

The includes parameter is supported by this feature, enabling Mend to automatically identify the environment that the user wants to scan and create the configuration file automatically.

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