Why are multiple Dependency Dashboards getting created with Renovate via Remediate?
Multiple Renovate Dependency Dashboards are created in your self-hosted Mend repository integration (Bitbucket Server & Datacenter, GitHub Enterprise, GitLab Server).
When creating a Dependency Dashboard issue, Renovate will check if the assigned bot user for your Mend repository integration has already created one. If there is a Dependency Dashboard issue that is created by another user, a new Dependency Dashboard will be created by the originally assigned bot user. This results in duplicate Dependency Dashboards being created within your repository. Changing the bot username or the App name can cause this duplication.
The recommended fix for this is to restart your self-hosted repository integration. This will cause the new bot username to be picked up and all duplicate Dependency Dashboard issues will be closed.
Recommended reading
Dependency Dashboard Renovate Documentation - https://docs.renovatebot.com/configuration-options/#dependencydashboard