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WhiteSource rebrand to Mend - FAQ

Questions and Answers related to our recent name change from WhiteSource to Mend:

Will I need to update anything? 

No action is needed on the customer side at this moment.

Will the existing product URLs I use change? 

We have no plans to require customers to change things.

Will this impact my internal communications, service accounts, etc. that have ‘WhiteSource’ listed?

We have no plans to require customers to change things.

Do I need to update my internal documentation? 

Yes. We will be moving our existing documentation and knowledge base portal from to the new Mend's Knowledge Hub at This is a gradual process where pages in the documentation will be deprecated over the coming months. Their content will be replaced with a link to their corresponding location in the new knowledge hub. The existing portal will no longer be accessible starting January 9th, 2023. We encourage you to start updating your internal documentation with the corresponding links in our new knowledge hub.

Will all of the existing documentation links still work?

Yes, but note that the existing documentation links will no longer be accessible starting January 9th, 2023. See answer to the question above for additional details.

What URL's have changed?

Do I need a new URL to access the Mend Support Portal?

No, even though our Support portal can now be reached via, you can still access it via the existing URL (

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