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Understanding Source Origin Library Vulnerabilities

When performing a file system scan, Mend will match the files found in the scan to a Source Origin Library through our Smart Match algorithm. Vulnerabilities for a Source Origin Library is associated to the identified file, rather than the library itself. This can be seen from the Security Alerts: View By Vulnerability Menu


This distinction is important as Source Files can be moved to a different library if it is determined that the identified library was incorrect. This can happen because Source File Matching is a best effort match and source files can have multiple valid open-source origins. Validating source files and changing the origin is an important steps to maintaining your open source inventory when using the file system scan.

In this particular example, CVE-2021-38115 appears to be related to CPIO and not sulinos-make 4.3.


This is also reflected by the location of the source file within my file system


By changing the origin library of the source file copyin.c to CPIO 2.12, the vulnerability will be reflected correctly with that library.


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