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UI - Unversioned Licenses - Licenses with no Version

 While checking a library’s license or verifying the Organizational ‘License Distribution’ pane, we sometimes come upon licenses that are presented without an associated version.

We can see that in this case, the licenses are missing information about the Patent, Copyright, and Royalty Fee. This is because, without a specific license version, a risk analysis cannot be further established.

The reason for the missing version might be that the associated libraries are old libraries whose license has not been updated since versioning was introduced.
There are also cases where the license type might have been updated in the repository or in the license file placed within the zip, but not also in the manifest file.

Currently, risk analysis is limited to only commonly used licenses.

What you can do in this case is log a License Resolution Request for the unversioned licenses, in order for Mend to find the new versioned licenses (where applicable) for these libraries.

More details on this process can be found here:

Request Resolution - Submit Libraries for Review

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