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Mend Developer Platform for Bitbucket Cloud

This document assumes you have read the following documents:

Mend Platform Rollout Overview
Cloud Repository Rollout

Please read those documents prior to continuing

Migration from Mend for Bitbucket Cloud

If you previously used the Mend for Bitbucket Cloud repository integration instead of the Mend Developer Platform it is advised to move over to the Mend Developer Platform. The Mend Developer platform is the go forward integration with enhanced features and the legacy Bitbucket Cloud integration will be deprecated.

To migrate from one integration to the other requires uninstalling the old Mend for Bitbucket Cloud app and installing the Mend Developer Platform. The applications are very different in terms of how they are configured and not all configurations from Mend for Bitbucket Cloud are available in the developer platform.

Important things to keep in mind when transitioning:

  • Nothing is shared between the two applications, unless the old items are deleted manually prior to installation, duplication will occur for the following:

    • Issues

    • Pull Requests

    • Jira tickets created through Mend for Jira

  • Mend Developer Platform will create new projects will be created in the Mend UI for every repository with a BB_ prefix.

    • Any ignored alerts will not carry over to the new project

    • It is recommended to not delete projects created by Mend for Bitbucket Cloud prior to installing the Mend for Developer Platform.

      • This will allow you to reference the old project for any ignored alerts and apply them to the new project once scanned.

      • Legacy Bitbucket Cloud integration Projects will have a BBC_ prefix

  • Configurations are not migrated from Mend Bitbucket Cloud to Mend Developer Platform

For more information on the differences between the two integrations and a direct comparison of configurations see Migration Guide for Mend for Bitbucket Cloud Repo Integration.

This guide will guide through setting up the Mend Developer Platform from scratch with the recommended Mend Configurations.

Known Issues and Limitations

There are a number of known issues and limitations with the Mend Platform. These limitations are documented in the Developer Platform documentation: Known Issues and Limitations for Mend Developer Platform

Next Steps

Once you are ready to begin rolling out the Mend Developer Platform, start with Setting up the Mend UI for the Developer Platform Integration

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