Renovate for Repository Integrations
Renovate comes with Mend’s repository integrations and requires very little configuration for initial setup. Additionally, the Repository Integrations also come with a feature called Remediate, that is built on top of Renovate and allows for Dependency updates based on vulnerability information. This edition of Renovate is paid, and therefore includes full-feature support including Smart Merge Control.
Private Registries
Renovate supports the ability to pull changelogs and upgrade information from private registries for dependency upgrade purposes. When implementing private registry support in your Renovate configuration, hostRules will typically allow customers to provide encrypted credentials in the repository, that let Renovate access those private registries. These credentials can be encrypted using either: or with:
For more information on how to configure these private registries, please refer to our documentation on configuring these and implementation documentation.
NOTE: The encryption page for the Renovate GitHub App will be different from the Standalone Renovate page as the public key used to encrypt the credentials will be different. Mixing these two pages will result in the inability to decrypt credentials.