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Mend Advise Browser Plugin

This article aims to assist in troubleshooting / resolving some of the most common issues related to Mend Advise.

  1. There are certain cases when a known library is displayed inside the Mend Advise window with the tag “Unspecified License”, as demonstrated below:

Usually, this issue appears when changes have been made to the web browser, for example, the web browser has been updated.

To troubleshoot this issue, an incognito browser page should be opened for the same library page.

  • If the issue does not reproduce in Incognito mode, then a caching issue might have caused this behavior, in which case clearing the * cookies from cache will solve the issue.

  • In case the behavior is reproduced in Incognito mode as well, the extension should be uninstalled and then reinstalled, to solve the issue.


  1. Another possible issue is a user that recently installed Mend Advise is being presented with the following error:

In order to solve this issue, the user needs to click the profile icon inside the Mend Advise window and change the destination URL to the domain on which the relevant organization is hosted (saas, saas-eu, app, app-eu, etc). See depiction below:

In the eventuality that these steps did not solve the issue or the problem encountered is different than the ones presented above please proceed with opening a ticket to Mend Support.

When opening a ticket to Mend Support please make sure to provide:

  • a clear and complete description of the issue

  • screenshots/screen recording

  • additional information such as which browser is being used, when the issue started, if the issue happens for a specific case only etc

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.