Activation Key could not be generated error
This article helps you understand why you are seeing the error: "Activation Key could not be generated. An existing Integration is already activated. Please contact Support for more information."
If you are trying to set up one of our Developer Integrations in WhiteSource UI (BitBucket Server, GitHub.Com , GitHub Enterprise or GitLab Server), and you are getting "Activation Key could not be generated. An existing Integration is already activated. Please contact Support for more information." as shown in the screenshot below:

It means that you already created an Activation Key for one of the other Developer Integrations in this WhiteSource Organization. If we take the example above, the error is being displayed while attempting to setup GitLab Server Integration, which means that either BitBucket Server, GitHub.Com , or GitHub Enterprise has already been enabled on my Organization.
The current limitation is that only one of the Developer Integrations can be enabled per WhiteSource Organization. Thus the easiest way to resolve this is to:
Create a New Organization under Admin > General Configuration > Create New Organization
Request WhiteSource Support to enable Developer Integrations for the newly created Organization (please provide the API key and name of the new Organization)
Configure Developer Integrations where you were getting "Activation Key could not be generated. An existing Integration is already activated. Please contact Support for more information." error
** If you would like to continue using the current WhiteSource Organization and just switch the integrations, please open a Support Ticket requesting to remove an Activation Key from the older Integration