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Navigating between the Mend Platform and the Legacy SCA Application

Especially if you’re migrating from’s SCA Core Application to the Mend Platform, you may want your users and administrators to occasionally navigate back to the legacy application, until they’ve had the chance to get comfortable with the new platform.


Side-by-side view of the respective landing pages (Mend Platform on the left, SCA Core on the right)

To help you achieve this back-and-forth navigation with the minimal amount of hassle, we’ve added a “Legacy SCA Platform” button at the bottom of the cogwheel dropdown menu, that will take you to the legacy application in a new browser window:


This way, you can work simultaneously in both web user interfaces.

Note: Clicking the ‘Legacy SCA Platform’ button will trigger another login workflow. Also, logging out of one platform will not automatically log you out of the other.

Organization admins can set the Mend AppSec Platform as the primary platform for their users, allowing them to be automatically redirected to it when logging in through the Legacy SCA application and negating the requirement to perform a redundant manual extra step. Here’s how to do it:

  1. In the Legacy SCA application, click the Admin button at the top-right corner of the screen:

  2. Under the System section, select General Configuration:

  3. Under Mend Primary Platform, check the “Set Mend AppSec Platform as Primary” option:

  4. A message will pop up at the top of the screen, indicating that the action has been successful:


    From this point on, attempting to log into the Legacy SCA Application will automatically redirect your users to the Mend AppSec Platform.

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