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The Product Comparison Report


The Product Comparison Report enables you to view and compare historical versions of library and license information (such as, number of license occurrences) between two products.

Accessing the Report

  1. From the main menu, select Reports > Compare Products. The Product Comparison Report page is displayed.

  2. Select the two products for which you want to compare their data, as follows:

    1. Open the Compare source dropdown menu and select the source product you want to compare. 

    2. Open the with target dropdown menu and select the target product for comparison.

  3. Click Compare and wait for the data to load.

NOTE: By clicking Swap instead of Compare, you can reverse the source and target product selection. This will be reflected in the display of data in the report.

Selecting the Report Data

The Product Comparison Report comprises two report tables:

  • Libraries: Displays the Library associated with the product, the Licenses assigned to the product, and the Action - i.e., whether the license was added or removed.
    You can filter the display of data in the Libraries table according to Library, Licenses, or Action with a specific value. To do this:

    1. Expand the Filter area, select the property, and enter the value by which to filter.

    2. Click Filter.

  • License Occurrences: Displays the name and number of occurrences of each license for both the source and target products.
    You can filter the display of data in the License Occurrences table to show the occurrences of just one specific license. To do this:

    1. Enter the value of the license in the Value field.

    2. Click Filter.

Exporting the Report

To export the report, click the Export dropdown menu at the top right corner of the report. The report will be exported in Excel format.

For an example of an exported Excel report, see Working with Reports | Example-of-an-Excel-Report.

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