The Effective Usage Analysis Report
The Effective Usage Analysis Report provides a summary of Effective Usage Analysis (EUA) results for selected projects. You can publish an Effective Usage Analysis report with Summary and/or Detailed information in PDF format.
Effective Usage Analysis Summary Report - includes an executive summary with aggregated statistics regarding the Mend Prioritize scan.
Effective Usage Analysis Detailed Report - provides details of Mend Prioritize scan results for Organization, Products, and Projects.
NOTE: The Effective Usage Analysis report is available only for organizations that have Effective Usage Analysis (EUA) enabled.
Accessing the Report
From the main menu, select Reports > Effective Usage Analysis Summary.
If required, you can filter the report in order to view the data according to specific property settings with a specific value. To do this:
Expand the Filter area, select a property from the By dropdown menu, and enter the value by which to filter.
The property options are: Project (default), Product, and Analysis Time.Click Filter.
The list of projects that were inspected with Effective Usage Analysis is displayed.

Understanding the Report Data
The Effective Usage Analysis Summary Report displays the following information in a table:
Project: The project that was analyzed by Effective Usage Analysis.
Product: The product to which the project is associated.
Analysis Time: The date that the analysis occurred.
Publishing the Report
You can publish the report in PDF format to show Summary information, Detailed information, or both.
To publish a report, do the following:
Select the projects for your report by clicking the check boxes alongside the required project names.
NOTE: You can select all the projects at once by clicking the check box alongside the Project column header.Clear or select the Summary and/or Detail check boxes at the top right of the report according to the level of detail required for your report. By default, both check boxes are selected.
Click Publish.
The report is downloaded in PDF format. You can open the report via any PDF viewer.
Example of Summary Report
The Effective Usage Analysis Summary report provides the following information:
Analysis Results Summary, including the number of projects analyzed, inspected programming languages, security alerts with reported vulnerabilities & high severity vulnerabilities
Data on All Alerts before and after analysis
Data on alerts with high-severity CVEs
Effectiveness Distribution of alerts severities
Estimated time savings per developer
Example of Detailed Report
The Effective Usage Detailed Analysis report provides a table that displays all projects that were analyzed by Effective Usage Analysis. It provides the following information about the ID of the product and project, library security alerts and effectiveness of the alerts.
Alert Total: The total number of security alerts that includes 'Ineffective', 'Suspected', and 'Effective' security alerts.
Effective: Number of Effective security alerts
Suspected as Effective: Number of Effective security alerts suspected as effective
Ineffective: Number of security alerts that are ineffective
Effective %: The percentage of total security alerts that are Effective
Suspected as Effective %: The percentage of total security alerts that are Suspected.
Ineffective %: The percentage of total security alerts that are Ineffective.