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The Effective Licenses Report


The Effective Licenses Report provides information about actual library licensing and original licenses. This report enables you to track every time a user from the organization manually assigned a license to a library in the inventory. After a license is selected by a user, it is considered that library's "effective license" from then on.

Accessing the Report

  1. From the main menu, select Reports > Effective Licenses. The Effective Licenses Report page is displayed.

  2. Select the scope for which the report should be created, as follows:

    1. Open the dropdown menu next to the report name and select the product on which you want to base the report
      Leave as the default Organizational value context.

    2. Click Apply and wait for the data to load into the report preview table.

  3. To further filter the report, do as follows:

    1. Expand the Filter area, select an option from the By dropdown menu, and enter the value by which to filter.
      The options are: Library (default), Effective License, User, Reference, Date, and Original Licenses.

    2. Click Filter.

The Effective Licenses Report is displayed.

Understanding the Report Data

The Effective Licenses Report provides the following columns of information in a table:

  • Library: Name of the library

  • Effective license: Effective license assigned to the library

  • User: User that selected the license

  • Reference: Library reference page

  • Date: Date the license was selected

  • Original Licenses: The original licenses of the library

  • Occurrences: Library occurrences in the organization or product

Exporting the Report

To export the report, click the Export dropdown menu at the top right corner of the report, and select the required export format:

  • Excel

  • XML

The exported report will reflect the selected context (organization or product) and specified filters.

For examples of exported report types, see .

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