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Licenses Dashboard


The Licenses Dashboard provides a complete view of the status of licenses in your organization.

Accessing the Licenses Dashboard

  1. Open the Mend Home page.

  2. From the menu bar, select Dashboards > Licenses. The Licenses Dashboard is displayed.

The Licenses Dashboard contains two panels of information:

  • License Distribution

  • License Breakdown

License Distribution

This dashboard panel provides license distribution data in which you can see the licenses resolution in your organization.

The License Distribution chart displays the total count per license reference.

License Breakdown

The License Breakdown panel provides information about each license in the specified organization.

The following information is displayed for each license in the organization:

  • Name: Name of the license

  • Occurrences: Number of occurrences in the organization

  • Copyright: Copyright Risk Score which is a measurement of the copyright risk. For details, see “License Risk Scores" under “Understanding Risk Score Attribution and License Analysis”

  • Patent: Patent and royalty risk score measurement.

Risk Score Value


Associated Risk


Royalty free and no identified patent risks



Royalty free unless litigated



No patents granted



Specific identified patent risks


  • Royalty Free: Some licenses explicitly grant a patent license.  Some explicitly do not, e.g., ClearBSD.  Some condition the license on not being sued by the user, and if they are sued, the license is revoked.
    Royalty free values are:

o   Yes: Royalty free and no identified patent risks

o   No: No patents granted

o   Conditional: Royalty free unless litigated

See Also:

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