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License Resolution Research Definitions

These are some common definitions Mend uses to provide feedback after the license resolution research process is complete.



Suspected In-House

This library is most likely to be in-house and should be verified by the user as such.  These libraries can be used to create regex patterns for in-house rules to automatically filter out similar libraries. 

Suspected Open Source License

No Sha1 checksum match but this library most likely has a specific open source based on the evidence (e.g. Suspected Apache 2.0).

Suspected Unspecified

This license is assigned to archived libraries (e.g .zip or tar.gz), or libraries that are suspected to be licensed under a non open-source license.


This library most likely has a commercial license, which falls outside the scope of mend's open-source coverage. 

Unsupported Filetype

This library has an unsupported file extension and falls outside the scope of mend's open-source coverage.

Unspecified License

This library does not contain any relevant license information or the reference does not exist (i.e. page not found).

For source libraries with unspecified license, it is recommended that the source files should be re-mapped via the change library feature.

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