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Configure your private JFrog Artifactory Cloud Container Image Registry with Mend


The Mend container image registry scanning solution can integrate with your private JFrog Artifactory Cloud using your provided JFrog Artifactory user.

Prerequisites before you scan JFrog Artifactory Cloud with Mend

  • Your Mend user must be an organization administrator in order to access the Cloud Native UI.

  • Your JFrog Artifactory user provided for the integration must have/be in a user group that has read permissions to the relevant repositories in your JFrog Artifactory instance. For more information on JFrog’s permissions, please read their documentation here: Introduction to Permissions.

Set up your private JFrog Artifactory Cloud configuration in the Mend Application

  1. Within the Mend Application, navigate to the Cloud Native UI:

  2. Navigate to the Integrations dashboard:

  3. Click on + Add registry:

  4. The “Add registry?” pop-up wizard appears.

  5. Fill out the configuration with your JFrog Articatory information. For more information on the parameters provided, refer to the Private JFrog Artifactory Cloud parameters section within this document:

  6. Once you have finished filling out the configuration, scroll to the bottom of the wizard and click on Add to add your private Jfrog Artifactory to the registry integration:

  7. The Registry Added Successfully pop-up message displays once the integration credentials and configuration have been successfully verified:


  • Before adding your registry, we will automatically perform a connectivity check it to ensure the credentials are valid and the registry is accessible for the integration.

  • In order to avoid scanning outdated images, our image registry integration is designed to focus on the most current data by scanning only the latest 10 versions from each repository.


Private JFrog Artifactory Cloud parameters



Display Name

Type the name of your registry. This will be displayed in the Integrations dashboard.


Optional. Provide any text. We recommend providing information that will help you remember the integration and the relevant registry.

Registry URL

Provide your JFrog Artifactory Registry URL. The format of the URL typically looks like:



Select the type of environment of your private JFrog Artifactory Registry (multiple options can be selected). The environment options are:

  • Production

  • Dev

  • QA

  • Staging

Access Method

Select User Name & Password.

Service Principal ID

Provide your JFrog Artifactory username.

Service Principal Password

Provide your JFrog Artifactory password.

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