Agent Integration - API Version 2.4.1
Version Release Date: 08-Oct-2017
Sending contents of a scan should be sent via a simple HTTPS POST request to this url:
mend's API is open source and hosted on GitHub:
Update Request
The object representing the request is UpdateInventoryRequest.
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Charset: utf-8
The body is made up of key-value pairs, it should look like this:
"artifactId":"My Awesome Project",
"artifactId": "antlr-2.7.7.jar",
"sha1": "83cd2cd674a217ade95a4bb83a8a14f351f48bd0",
"otherPlatformSha1": "5976bf31f2183886231da17c633df9d8035d517a",
"systemPath": "/lib/jars/antlr-2.7.7.jar",
"children": [],
"checksums": {
"SHA1": "83cd2cd674a217ade95a4bb83a8a14f351f48bd0",
"SHA1_OTHER_PLATFORM": "5976bf31f2183886231da17c633df9d8035d517a"
Breakdown of all request parameters
Parameter Name | Description | Required |
type | Type of the Mend request, can be either "UPDATE" or "CHECK_POLICY_COMPLIANCE" | Yes |
agent | Type of agent or plugin sending the request to mend, use "generic" (all lowercase) for now, until we create a unique string to identify your requests | Yes |
agentVersion | Version of the agent's API, use the latest = "2.4.1" | Yes |
pluginVersion | Version of the plugin you’re developing | Yes |
token | Organization API Key found in the Integration API page | Yes |
product | Name or token of the product to be matched to in mend | No |
productVersion | Version of the product above, this can be used to maintain different versions of the same product | No |
timestamp | Current time in milliseconds | Yes |
requesterEmail | Email of the person requesting the libraries for the given projects, must be an email registered with mend | No |
diff | The actual data regarding the projects and dependencies, it's a JSON array of AgentProjectInfo objects Best practice is to create an object with the same fields and then convert it to JSON | Yes |
Example I
Example of a simple request (the diff parameter value):
"artifactId":"My Awesome Project",
"artifactId": "antlr-2.7.7.jar",
"sha1": "83cd2cd674a217ade95a4bb83a8a14f351f48bd0",
"systemPath": "/lib/jars/antlr-2.7.7.jar",
"checksums": {
"SHA1": "83cd2cd674a217ade95a4bb83a8a14f351f48bd0"
"artifactId": "aopalliance-1.0.jar",
"sha1": "0235ba8b489512805ac13a8f9ea77a1ca5ebe3e8",
"systemPath": "lib/jars/aopalliance-1.0.jar",
"checksums": {
"SHA1": "0235ba8b489512805ac13a8f9ea77a1ca5ebe3e8"
注記: 本文はURLエンコードされています。
例 II
依存関係階層(maven plugin)を持つ2つのプロジェクトを含むリクエストの例:
"coordinates": {
"groupId": "com.wss",
"artifactId": "search-engine-client",
"version": "1.0.0"
"parentCoordinates": {
"groupId": "com.wss",
"artifactId": "search-engine-parent",
"version": "1.0.0"
"groupId": "org.restlet.jee",
"artifactId": "org.restlet.ext.jackson",
"version": "2.3.4",
"type": "jar",
"scope": "compile",
"sha1": "336134b649e0dfd7ef0f85d4c0de216b5b0df21a",
"systemPath": "C:\\Users\\User\\.m2\\repository\\org\\restlet\\jee\\org.restlet.ext.jackson\\2.3.4\\org.restlet.ext.jackson-2.3.4.jar",
"dependencyType": "MAVEN",
"checksums": {
"SHA1": "336134b649e0dfd7ef0f85d4c0de216b5b0df21a"
"children": [
"groupId": "com.fasterxml.jackson.core",
"artifactId": "jackson-core",
"version": "2.4.4",
"type": "jar",
"scope": "compile",
"sha1": "c5cd3347c0a86d0dcfbf3da593d8431d5a789d54",
"systemPath": "C:\\Users\\User\\.m2\\repository\\com\\fasterxml\\jackson\\core\\jackson-core\\2.4.4\\jackson-core-2.4.4.jar",
"filename": "jackson-core-2.4.4.jar",
"dependencyType": "MAVEN",
"checksums": {
"SHA1": "c5cd3347c0a86d0dcfbf3da593d8431d5a789d54"
"groupId": "com.fasterxml.jackson.core",
"artifactId": "jackson-annotations",
"version": "2.4.4",
"type": "jar",
"scope": "compile",
"sha1": "d3dad1a494f94579fca4b6a1142fb15fb68f0b2f",
"systemPath": "C:\\Users\\User\\.m2\\repository\\com\\fasterxml\\jackson\\core\\jackson-annotations\\2.4.4\\jackson-annotations-2.4.4.jar",
"filename": "jackson-annotations-2.4.4.jar",
"dependencyType": "MAVEN",
"checksums": {
"SHA1": "d3dad1a494f94579fca4b6a1142fb15fb68f0b2f"
"coordinates": {
"groupId": "com.wss",
"artifactId": "search-engine-server",
"version": "1.0.0"
"parentCoordinates": {
"groupId": "com.wss",
"artifactId": "search-engine-parent",
"version": "1.0.0"
"groupId": "xom",
"artifactId": "xom",
"version": "1.2.5",
"type": "jar",
"scope": "compile",
"sha1": "4166493b9f04e91b858ba4150b28b4d197f8f8ea",
"systemPath": "C:\\Users\\User\\.m2\\repository\\xom\\xom\\1.2.5\\xom-1.2.5.jar",
"dependencyType": "MAVEN",
"checksums": {
"SHA1": "4166493b9f04e91b858ba4150b28b4d197f8f8ea"
"children": [
"groupId": "xml-apis",
"artifactId": "xml-apis",
"version": "1.3.03",
"type": "jar",
"scope": "compile",
"sha1": "3845d5aabd62dc1954f2c0e84a799068c917ad2b",
"systemPath": "C:\\Users\\User\\.m2\\repository\\xml-apis\\xml-apis\\1.3.03\\xml-apis-1.3.03.jar",
"filename": "xml-apis-1.3.03.jar",
"dependencyType": "MAVEN",
"checksums": {
"SHA1": "3845d5aabd62dc1954f2c0e84a799068c917ad2b"
Breakdown of objects and fields
Represents a single project, object can be found here:
Field Name | Description | Required |
coordinates | An object containing identifying information about the project | No, unless projectToken isn't provided |
projectToken | API Token of the project | No, unless coordinates isn't provided |
dependencies | An array of dependencies, each representing a single dependency (library / file) found during the scan | Yes |
parentCoordinates | Coordinates of the project's parent project | No |
Represents the coordinates of a project, object can be found here:
Field Name | Description | Required |
artifactId | Name or artifactId of the project | Yes |
version | Version of the project | No |
groupId | The groupId of the project | No |
Represents a project's dependency, object can be found here:
Field Name | Description | Required |
artifactId | Filename or Maven artifactId of the dependency | Yes |
filename | Filename of the file | No, it's recommended to use both artifactId and filename |
version | Version of the dependency | No, this is only necessary for a build tool dependency (for example, Maven dependency) and not a simple file |
groupId | groupId of the dependency | No, this is only necessary for a build tool dependency (for example, Maven dependency) and not a simple file |
sha1 | SHA-1 checksum of the file | No, in case where there is no SHA-1, for example NPM package that is found within a package.json file |
systemPath | Path of the file on your local machine | No |
type | Type of the dependency (only relevant for Maven) | No |
scope | Scope of the dependency (only relevant for Maven) | No |
classifier | Classifier of the dependency (only relevant for Maven if applicable) | No |
dependencyType | representing the type of the dependency, see DependencyType The dependencyType field is used to improve identification of certain dependencies, can be one of:
| No, but recommended when sending dependencies identified in a non-standard way. For example in a package.json file (NPM) or scanned as an installed RPM package via querying the package manager |
checksums | A map of checksumType and the actual checksum values, see ChecksumType The checksums map will be used in future versions to hold all calculated checksums in a single object instead of in separate fields, the checksumType can be one of:
| Yes, in case you plan on sending more than the standard sha1 checksum In the future we plan on deprecating the 'sha1' field, so please make sure to populate both 'sha1' field and the SHA1 checksumType in the checksums map |
children | An array of DependencyInfo objects which are considered transitive dependencies | No |
Update Result
The object representing the result is ResultEnvelope.
It contains the name of the organization, and two collections containing the names of the projects that were created and updated.
Here’s an output of the response received from the Mend server:
"envelopeVersion": "2.1.0",
"status": 1,
"message": "ok",
"data": "{
\"updatedProjects\":[\"My Awesome Project\"],
Breakdown of all fields
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
envelopeVersion | String | Version of the response structure |
status | int | Status code of the operation, can be one of 1 - Success 2 - Bad request format 3 - Server error |
message | String | Human readable message, can be one of
data | JSON String | Data of the result that changes according to the result statis. When status is '1' it will contain a JSON representation of an UpdateInventoryResult object (see fields below) When statis is '2' or '3' it will contain an more detaild error message |
The 'data' field contains a JSON encoded string which is a serialized UpdateInventoryResult object, it looks like this:
"updatedProjects":["My Awesome Project"],
Breakdown of all data JSON fields
Parameter Name | Type | Description |
updatedProjects | String[] | Names of the existing projects that were updated during the update process |
createdProjects | String[] | Names of the projects created during the update process |
organization | String | Name of the organization |
requestToken | String | A token which produced after each plugin update request * Used for troubleshooting cases and record plugin usage logs |