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Remediate Deployment Guide for Self-hosted Repo Integrations


This article provides recommended deployment guidelines to help you deploy Remediate at scale.

Getting it done

Redis Package Cache

  • An optional single-node Redis server can be deployed for OSS package metadata caching using a 2 core x 4GB host/pod.

  • For multi-region support for DR or active/active topologies, stand up independent Redis servers in each region. 

  • Replication is not required or recommended. 

  • Cache should be in-memory only, no need to persist the cache to disk.

  • All R/R Workers require R/W access to the Redis server/database. recommends deploying Redis external to the SCM integration cluster in order to maintain cache integrity when the Mend cluster is redeployed or upgraded. is fully compatible with AWS ElastiCache managed Redis service.

To enable Redis for the R/R containers, simply add the Redis cluster URL as an environment variable (RENOVATE_REDIS_URL) to the Remediate-Server and Remediate-Workers K8s (or Docker Compose) services. See Renovate On-Prem docs for more info. If you require authentication (recommended), you add the password to the URL, for example:


For TLS protocol (recommended), use rediss:// url scheme instead.  

Note: As of release v24.10.1, Redis clusters are supported. See these docs.

Enable the CHECK_REDIS_ON_STARTUP environment variable to validate Redis is available and writable on system startup.

Private Registry

For self-hosted customers using a private registry for internal packages or public registry mirrors (e.g., JFrog Artifactory), you will need to enable private package caching. Add the following environment variable to your Remediate containers:


Repository Cache

For self-hosted customers hosted on AWS, you can also enable S3-based Repository caching to reduce the load on your SCM servers. R/R can cache open PR metadata to avoid having to query the SCM system each time it runs on an individual repository. To enable repository caching, provision an S3 bucket and configure your R/R workers via the following environment variables.  




See the Renovate self-hosted documentation for more information including authentication considerations. recommends using AWS IAM role-based access control.


As always, these are general guidelines only. Monitor your Remediate infrastructure and Redis utilization after changes to determine your actual best sizing and host specifications.

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