TeamCity Integration

This page describes how to integrate TeamCity with the Unified Agent.
Before you begin, do as follows:
Install TeamCity on your machine.
Install TeamCity Agent in order to start builds.
Make sure that the relevant package manager is installed. For details, see here.
Setup via Windows PowerShell
1. In TeamCity, click Administration.
2. Click Create Project.
3. In Create Build Configuration, select Manually for workspace on a local or a Github/repository via URL in case you have a project on GitHub. Enter the missing fields and click Create.

4. Click +Create Build Configuration, enter a suitable name it and click + Create build configuration. This step moves to the New VCS Root window.
5. In the left pane, click the Build Steps section, and then click +Add build step:
6. Select PowerShell as Runner type, and Source code as the Script:
7. Enter the following PowerShell commands and fill in the relevant 'apiKey', configuration path and project path for the machine that you want to scan:
Notice on periodically fetching the Unified Agent
It is advised to use the below powershell commands only once a week to download the latest version of the Unified Agent for performance reasons and not as part of every build. You can do this using a scheduler task, such as cron.
powershell bitsadmin /transfer mydownload /dynamic /download /priority FOREGROUND $pwd\wss-unified-agent.jar
powershell bitsadmin /transfer mydownload /dynamic /download /priority FOREGROUND $pwd\wss-unified-agent.config
java -jar wss-unified-agent.jar -apiKey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx -c [path to config file] -project my-project -d [path to folder to scan]
8. Note the following:
Set the WS_CHECKPOLICIES environment variable to TRUE.
The first command downloads the latest version of the Mend Unified Agent Jar file to the job folder.
The second command downloads the latest version of the mend Unified Agent configuration file to the job folder.
The third command runs the Jar with the default command line arguments of the Unified Agent.
Make sure that you have edited the Unified Agent configuration file to match your requirements.
Make sure that Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BITS) is enabled on your project job.
9. Save and run the job.
TeamCity Using Shell Scripts
1. Download CURL, add it to your PATH environment variable. If the following message is displayed ''curl' is not recognized as an internal or external command', then add it to the parameters as displayed in in the following screenshot:
2. Create a project via the same steps that were described in the previous section.
3. In the new 'Custom script' window add the following commands:
curl -LJO
chmod +x -apiKey xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx -c [path to config file] -project my-project -d [path to folder to scan]
Note the following:
Set the WS_CHECKPOLICIES environment variable to TRUE.
The first command downloads the '' script file to the job folder.
The third command runs the script ''. This script downloads the latest version of Mend Unified Agent Jar file and configuration file to the TeamCity Agent work folder. The script runs the Jar with the default command line arguments of Unified Agent.
Make sure to edit the Unified Agent configuration file to match your requirements.
Example screenshot of build configuration:

4. Save and run the build.
Adding the Policy Violations Report in the TeamCity Web Application
The TeamCity Web application enables you to create custom report tabs that are displayed on its Build pages. This tutorial demonstrates how to create the Mend Policy Violations report as a separate tab:
In the TeamCity Web Application, go to Administration ><Root Project> > Specific project.
In the Projects Settings pane, select the Report Tabs.
Click Create new Build report tab.
Enter the following in the Edit Report Tab Settings window that opens:
Tab Title: Enter the title for the report (e.g., ‘Mend Policy Violations Report’)
Start page: The Start page value should be the path to the Mend Policy Check Summary report (index.html). For example, ‘whitesource\whitesource\index.htm’
Click Save.

More Examples
Additional examples for CI/CD pipelines can be found at .