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Scan your repositories with Mend for


Mend for is a part of the Mend Developer Integrations. Mend for is a GitHub app that continuously scans your repositories and can alert you on security vulnerabilities and code weaknesses, IaC and license violations, and outdated libraries.

Mend for provides the following benefits to you and your development team:

  • Shift left: Scanning your repositories with Mend for helps you shift farther left in your software development life cycle (SDLC).

  • Feedback on demand: Developers receive feedback on their code right away, making it easier to remediate vulnerabilities and learn secure coding best practices.

  • No context switching: Developers stay in with its familiar UI, making it easier to consume and act on scan results.

  • Differential results: Developers are notified only when a pull request introduces new findings, reducing alert fatigue and making fixes available as soon as vulnerabilities are introduced.

  • Automated remediation: Security vulnerabilities can be automatically remediated based on recommended fixes.


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